Enrage removals abilities in myythic plus


Please realize we have an ability called soothe and tranq shot for you hunters it removes enrages. In most mythic plus dungeons if not all the mobs have enrage debuffs we can remove on a relatively short coolddown. Please help your tank and healers our and use soothe thats all lol

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Think you’re mostly preaching to the choir here on the forums, bud. Tbh, I’m a bit more bothered by Hunters that don’t know to dispel their own Devour affix


Would be nice if Blizzard toned down the number of enrages at once. Not sure on Soothe but Tranq Shot needs to be specc’d and has 10 sec jets. Always fun to tranq an enrage and there are 2-3 others up, and by time your cool is done the original mob is enraged again.

Rogues and evokers also have one

Just want to chime in that WW Monks can do it too, just at a longer CD based on Paralysis.


All monks not just WW.

The issue here is it’s not always apparent when a mob enrages. I had to make a weakaura to detect magic and enrage buffs.

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What about rogues and monks?