You can’t even enter SM until level 21. And, good luck hitting mobs 14 levels higher than you.
Miss, Miss, Parry, Dodge, Miss.
Resist, Resist, Resist, Resist.
Oh, wait, that high above you? Crushing blow, shield or not. Crit gibbed.
Think that sums it up about right?
ITT: People think they have the right to police how others play!
This story and more idiocy at 11! Stay tuned!
I say if they can tank without a shield let them otherwise they can use a shield.
Just last night couldnt find a tank for SM library, paladin heals didnt want to tank but we had no choice, he was able to tank with a 2 hander at level 34 without issue.
I say if it helps keep the game fun and brings the tank then do it!
Hey there, 21/0/30 ret paladin here.
I’m playing with the goal to see how far I can go 2h tanking without ever taking a single protection talent. So far I’ve done every dungeon at level or under-leveled by 2 or 3, up through UBRS. Next I want to try is probably ZG.
It’s fun, especially for players who get solicited hourly to join random guilds as a raid healer, or who find the private server jockey meta extremely boring and unchallenging.
I can go over how it works for mechanically for ret, but suffice to say it’s sufficient for any pug you’d be doing in Classic. There’s no one making guilds use 2h tanks in raid groups. Sure, we may not be rated for Patchwerk, but most raid bosses and almost all raid mobs we can handle.
A typical dps-spec Warrior/Paladin tanking without a shield is like a feral-spec druid healing while wearing their feral gear, lol.
Thanks for the 6 month old necro.
Using a shield is about useless for the majority of classic dungeon content. Any non terrible healer will be fine with the incoming dmg of a warrior not using a shield.
Why?,why necro something from half a year ago?
You cant hold aggro without the 2 hander till you get shield slam or being fury prot (no shield)…
healers moaning about having to heal is funny.
no, imma use a 2h, level as arms and cleave the whole instance
They just start going early and get a crit before threats been established, most mobs in dungeon dies so fast you dont have to to pull.
Yeah, but what non-terrible healer wants to bother with a terrible Warrior/Paladin posing as a tank? They cry when the healers are not heal-spec (whether they are in decent healing gear or not), but we aren’t supposed to care if they aren’t tank-spec & using all their tanking/mitigation tools (like shields)? Holy double-standard (pun intended).
Common misconception about tanking, it’s not about mitigating as much damage as possible. It’s about mitigating enough to survive while maximizing the groups damage output.
Tank priority order is something like this:
- Don’t die
- Hold aggro
- Do as much damage as possible
- Take as little damage as possible.
I wish threads would just auto lock after a month or something. This was a 6 month necro. Most of the people that posted before then probably aren’t even around anymore. Make your own new thread.
why? talking shizz about moaning healers is timeless
Idiots play all factions, classes, and specs. Those morons will complain about anything from another player.
In classic you do not need a specific spec to fulfill a specific job in dungeons. So, I have never asked a healer’s spec, nor do I ask for the tank’s spec, utterly pointless in classic.
As you pointed out it is rather more important about gearing than spec while leveling.
Sums it up nicely