Should i consult you on which color mount i should buy also? Im sure you have an intended mount for me to maximize your enjoyment
Sounds more like bad healers thinking off specs heal just as well as healing specs
2hnd tanking trash in UBRS and LBRS the mobs will be at 50% if you wait 6 seconds
Warriors have the second highest Burst AoE and Second highest sustain when 2hnd tanking. Everything ecept boss pulls should be done with a 2hnd and either swap to defensive stance with sword and board after SS cleave OR stay 2hnd the entire pack.
This is true. It’s also true that a lot of warrior tanks were pretty freaking terrible in vanilla, and this was one of the reasons why.
Ned - Vanilla Warrior Tank & Priest Healer
Don’t blame the Warrior, especially when / if you invite them as dps and ask them to tank.
Your role as the tank is to hold aggro. It’s not DPS, though if you can that’s great. It’s not anything but simply to hold aggro. If there is one mob or boss, or five, you hold aggro. If you can’t, don’t tank. If you want to tank, read up on it and be better.
Now if you are one of these fools who think two-handed tanking is a thing, go back to retail, cause, I can’t speak for others, but I’m done healing you fools.
The shield increases your armor and helps you stay alive so your healer can keep you topped up.
If you don’t have a shield on you die faster, which means my mana goes faster, which means I’m probably non stop bomb/flash healing you, which means I’m probably trying to keep everyone else up with renews and shields. I always say my heals are for, and primarily for my tank, but if the tank takes all my mana and we’re not even half way through a fight and I’m OOM there is something wrong, and that’s what two handed tanking leads too.
I’d encourage any healer who ques into a group where the tank does this to simply say put a shield on or I leave.
I am done healing idiots who think this is a thing. I’m tired of them wiping our groups.
I’m not a scrub healer, I am good at it, I do well, it’s why I am on a lot of tanks friends lists and I know a lot of other healers think as I do, though I’m pretty sure there will be a few here who chime in with a speak for yourself attitude.
If you don’t like it then don’t be surprised when healers start leaving your group before it begins cause you want to two hand it.
Most players were terrible in general, moreso the closer you’re counting from the game’s launch… which has no real bearing on 2h vs. shields as a viable strategy. Ignorance or incompetence is not affected by itemization.
I especially enjoy people using the “go back to retail” totally-sick-burn on this topic. You know, retail, where warrior tanks actually have to use shields, and not like Vanilla, where this was commonplace from 1.0 to 1.12.
I’m all for letting people play how they want to, and think how they want to, but frankly you’re wrong acting like this is wrong. It was common in Vanilla. Frankly, I dual wield tank, because 2h is too risky, but the shield doesn’t do NEARLY what you think it does, and any healer worth their salt can easily heal a tank while leveling without a shield.
Your opinion is wrong, and I find it funny how desperate people like you are to control anyone and everyone’s groups.
2H tank was always terrible unless you super out geared the content, which most people did not. I love how you guys try to make excuse after excuse for being a terrible tank.
Spoken like someone who knows nothing.
Not all of us are trying to prance around here like we are tanks, or want to be. Just because warrior is “the” tank class doesn’t make every warrior a tank. DPS Warriors are also some of the top damage in vanilla.
Okay kiddo, lol.
Been playing for 15 years, I don’t need your validation. Just because you’re an idiot and you’re desperate to police other people, doesn’t mean you are right.
You can 2man Library underleveled with a warrior and healer. You are wrong.
You know not what you’re talking about. Tank poser. That’s what 2H tanks are.
We’re not talking about DPS warriors DPS’ing. If you want to DPS, have at it. That’s why you have a 2H. You don’t have a 2H so you can tank though. That’s just moronic.
All you can do is insult people, sad you also can’t read. I said in my post that 2h tanking until 20 is acceptable, but after that, dual wield tanking is best. But I get it, you’re incapable of having a discussion like a grown up. You’re garbage, and you’re free to cry and reject tanks, but you’re STILL wrong and a moron.
So pathetic dude, stop trying to police other people’s play and grow up.
2H tanking and dual-wield tanking are both terrible. Sword and board or nothing. Unless you’re just a druid with a massive hp/armor bonus. Which you’re not. So sword and board it is.
lmao stop talking, you’re amazingly stupid.
I’m not the one advocating for 2H or dual-wield tanking like a derp.
I have played this game from about 4 months after release in regular retail and I do not recall ever having a tank with no shield outside of a druid in bear form, yet magically a few know it all idiots say “it was a thing” seems to justify ignoring the truth of it all. Two handed tanking is stupid. Maybe the reason I didn’t see it was I chose not to play with stupid people.