I frankly am so sick of all of these “systems”. I really enjoyed the days of Wrath where I got gear and that was my power, my skill tree was what enhanced the power and provided utility. This kind of thing just doesn’t enhance the game, it just bogs it down with unnecessary crap.
Acti-Blizzard does this to keep subscriptions numbers up if ppl have to grind for months to finally “unlock” a complete character that can finally be taken for a spin. The way the game is now you cannot realistically hop around different classes because you will not know what it is truly capable of until you grind rep, honor, daily quests and currency to gear up that character.
It is calculated. I don’t mind one extra system to keep things interesting in an expansion, but having so many just gets silly. The idea that in BfA I had to think about Azerite Armour, Essences and Corruption (not to mention things like increasing rank on corruption cloak, the research tree for horrific visions etc.) is just exhausting. Just learning how they all work is tiring, and all that ends up happening is that it gates end-game group content because if you don’t have enough Corruption gear or the right Essences you’re essentially locked out of end-game content. The abundance of systems meant to diversify gameplay end up pigeon-holing it even more!
Hours played is all that matters, no more passion and creativity from Blizzard. Just go do your dailies.
Agreed. They should have stopped at azerite armor, added some more traits, continue to refine others, and been happy with sockets and tertiary stats like leech and avoidance. I mean leeches a pretty powerful stat, people who are lucky enough to get several pieces with leech are ballin. That should have been the goal posts, if they were so set on avoiding tier sets.
Even warforging and titanforging is better than the quadruple stack of subsystems we have now
I would like to see the return of substats. Hit rate, attack power, avoidance, resistances and leech and dodge etc are/were all great ideas that create immersion but somehow have been given the backseat. They consolidated four sub stats for all classes and in doing so neutered the entire gearing and progression process
And yet there remains in game the odd item that increases attack power or has fire resistance, almost mockingly
Same. One time with Legion and the Artifacts was OK since we were using very powerful weapons (some of them with sentience!) to fight against the Burning Legion: It was a unique system, it was interesting to some degree and everything was fine.
However, being repeated every expansion? Please no. You are not going to repeat the Legion experience, you are just going to make it worse.
The artifact weapons should have taught everyone all they need to know about temporary systems… DO NOT waste your time grinding them, wait till the .3 patch of any expansion when you are just given macx power level by 1 or 2 quests.
I would have been so angry if I ground azerite for weeks like so many raiders only to see lvl 50 heart just given away a few months later.
I agree. I liked getting a new talent in the row and it stuck with me… now it’s a throw a way set of things I grind all expansion. At the end it just feels deflating, almost like getting far in a game then hitting the reset button to start all over again.
For me at least, it feels bad. I didn’t know how I’d feel Legion into BFA but it was oddly deflating, this will be no different apart from being happy that Azerite will be gone.
It’s all borrowed power. Take off your gear and go try and smack down a 120 mob.
As for the expansion specific systems…
The game can either be “Enjoy rank X+1 of all your existing spells” or we get borrowed power that auto prunes at the end of an expansion.
What we can’t have is expansion after expansion of tier set bonuses, legendaries and everything else under the sun the can be mix and matched in the most extreme game breaking way.
Tru, borrowed power is lame. I want more focus on itemization than gambling on choosing the right borrowed powers. I wanna focus on what stats I have, gems, reforging, enchants. I want to have significant itemization differences on gear, I want weirdly itemized items again, making people choose between a chest with high stamina and low agility or high agility and low stamina.
Given that the toolkit and talent tree can’t expand every expansion, we have two options.
One, Blizzard can decide on a toolkit, and that is what your class will be from here on out. Nothing will ever change except losing one set bonus to gain another, which is borrowed power lite.
Or two, Blizzard can decide on a toolkit, and give a much bigger system with customization every expansion that, while it will go away just like a set bonus, will at least provide more than a set bonus that lasts one patch.
Very unpopular opinion but… I like borrowed power.
It gives them a way to mix up our classes in a way that doesn’t end up turning them into over bloated messes by the next expansion.
Now, with that being said, I do think Legion did it WAY better than BfA did. At the beginning of legion it was really cool to look at your artifact and be like “Wow, that ability seems really cool, I want to work towards that with my AP” and later on in legion all they really did was add in a few more abilities that changed up how your class played a bit.
In BfA you’re like “Wow, that ability looks cool. I hope I find a armor piece that has it on it and oh, you also have to grind enough azerite to apply it to your gear as well.” Not to mention BfA just kept on piling on more and more overpowered powers until the end of the expansion where a good % of your dps isn’t even from your class anymore.
I have hopes for shadowlands because from what I can tell covenants take more from the legion side than the BfA side. Nothing is locked behind having the correct gear, the abilities seem cool without being obscenely overpowered, and there’s a bit of customization that’s similar to early legion with the artifact paths you had to take.
Agreed. I still don’t know what essence I need, or even how I got my current ones really. And Good Lord do I hate learning a new playstyle every time I get a new piece of gear.
Not an unpopular opinion at all. Even I really enjoy it. Otherwise would get horribly boring with the same abilities and rotation in each expansion. Also gives a bit of flexibility in the rotation.
Well. Technically raid sets were borowed power, a lot of classes worked completely different and their bonuses were a must have, and a lot changed each pathc cycle in wrath due the bonuses.
Our talents also changed a lot from classic to TBC and from TBC to wrath and from Wrath to Cata till MoP talent revamp, which would still be like a borrower power system.
Dude we aren’t just borrowing power, we are borrowing set piece bonuses from previous sets and removed abilities/talents. Blizzard has cojones the size of grapefruits to be recycling this stuff like they are after removing them in the first place.