Enjoying frost DK but feel insanely weak outside of Pillar windows

I love my DK and always have, but when im just trying to do anything in the over world I feel very weak outside of pillar windows. Just trying to do a world quest in Azj-Kahet with all the elites and I completely destroy them with pillar up on deathbringer but then I am tickling them the moment it falls off. This is not just a problem with them either. When I don’t use pillar on normal enemies and have no procs or anything It just feels like im auto attacking even if i spend all my RP on frost strike. Am I missing something here? I am not dying or anything, just want to know why It takes me so long to do stuff without my CDs


Nope, not missing a thing. We’re relatively helpless outside of DB+Pillar. Optimizing Shattering Blade helps a little bit.

The DK DPS specs seem to be designed to be feast/famine intentionally, for whatever reason.


Get more crit. Crit makes the spec function. If you have low crit you aren’t going to have a good time

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Just wait 30 seconds for pillar and DB to come back up.

Kids are so impatient these days.


I have like 20% crit. How much should I even have out of curiosity? Im going to be working toward a BIS for mythic dungeons but I have no idea what % of a stat is considered “required”

Pof needs to go back to 20% at 20 sec on a 1 min cd
Icecap goes back to reducing pof cd by 1 sec everytime something crits

Take the 16% and put it back into our kit
Get rid of km rank 2, inex and everything that lets oblit do frost damage and put it back in oblit as phy also make a modifier that’s makes oblit scale in some manner with mastery

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20% used to be the minimum for Km procs, but since SL it has gone up because so much damage is locked away behind KM procs and now IDT does quite a lot.

So I would say 25-30% if possible.

For those talking about Open World, or even heroics where things dont last long. You can do double RI on your weapons for DW and take advantage of the DW mechanics. If you can keep up Icy Talons then I wouldnt bother with it though.

My advice at the moment for overworld content is use Reaper’s Mark on one mob and usually it’ll be dead by the end of it. Use your stacks of Exterminate on something else and fish for another RM to get you more Exterminates. If not use PoF if you have nothing else during Reaper cooldown or if it’s a pack.

Ill try that. I plan to play Mythic with a friend whos a destro lock like we did last expac so I have been trying to just get ilvl up before i focus on main stat like i do in FF14. Been enjoying DK since it first came out but right now it just feels so weird. Still love it but there are times I kinda just feel bad cause I am fighting for my life when i don’t have a CD up and then my buddy just throws a single chaos bolt with no buffs and hits like 800k to a mil in a single hit and kills the target instantly lol

Oblit goes from 87k to 870k lol. Pillar needs to be 20% str so they can buff all the base abilities and still keep our burst in line.


I remember when frost strike actually hurt stuff lol.

It’s been like this since SL thanks to KM rank 2. Obliterates base damage is low because of that. More crit then you get full damage with it.

Frost is more of a scaling spec now through.

Make sure to be tabbing between targets in aoe to pop the 5 stacks of RI. It helps to mitigate the fall-off a tiny bit.

Tab targeting might not even be worth it. RI stacks so fast it’s not necessary.

Two things would help, 20% PoF as you mentioned and getting rid of Reaper’s Mark 30% RNG reapplication - it would mean our base ability damage would need to be buffed by about ~18% by that removal alone.

There isn’t any waiting in dungeons. You move at the pace of the tank which is fast as hell.

YES. It feels so bad to not get at least one reapplication. I like getting rid of the reapplication and just making it 100% crit.