Enhancenent shaman dps advice

So theres no reason to hold PW charged LB right? On trash, so long as I have the Maelstrom stacks I’m supposed to FS, lash, PW then immediately bolt?

Well you would hold it for times when you could benefit from more targets hit by the duplicated LB so you get more haste. So at the start I would try to get 5 stacks MW to get the insta out. The key being to find points where you can maximize the Haste gain from the Necrolord covenant lego.

Okay yeah sorry I said that poorly. I meant essentially if it’s the beginning of a pack and I have the charges for insta LB, which sounds like you’re saying is correct. I want to proc it when there are lots of targets, not at the end of a fight where the legendary buff would be wasted.

Yep pretty much, its low CD so try to judge when you can get the most haste. Such as Gorechop when the adds spawn in TOP.

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Ok great, Thanks for the advice.

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Most welcome! ST dps with WDWB lego is another story. Best of luck out there!