Enhancement theme

I’m the only one who thinks being a caster has nothing to do with enhancement?

Enhancement is suposed to be based on stormstrike, windfury and lavalash ins’t?

Maelstrom should improved stormstrike/lavalash/windfury and not make you become a caster. Primordial wave and elemental blast is bad for enhancement.

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True down with blue melee

i can barely see the difference between enhance and elemental, both of them just run hitting from distance spitting lightning spells on me.

Stormstrike should cleave thunder between targets and hit hard through windfury

The feeling of going from using a stormstrike to using a lightning bolt is one of the most low testosterone feeling i ever felt in my life


Preach brother I stand with you

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Brox on fire today fr :joy:

But seriously I think Enhance chucking out some fat lb’s once in a while is good but it’s def leaning too far into the caster direction atm. Windfury build should always be it’s main direction imo and if it’s not right it should be the devs focus to get it right before anything else. I’m a simple man and my feel good brain chemicals excrete more when I’m spamming stormstrike and fishing for proc resets to spam it more.

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Im surprised that people are calling it enh and not ench.

Enh is supposed to be a caster/melee hybrid. We’re supposed to do things from range whether it be purge, sheer, totems, damage. This goes along class fantasy. This is also when enh is at its most fun because storm strike build is awfully boring.

No, enhancement is not suposed to be caster in any means. It is suposed to be physical/magic hybrid, not a caster.

Thats why we have elemental.

Ele doesn’t cast.



Can you explain the meaning of this?

i genuinely enjoy the legion-> iteration of enhancement with stormbringer over the ret style priority based wrath->wod enhance

nothing feels better than getting stormstrike resets and just hammering even if it’s extremely simple

i really enjoyed ‘overcharge’ in legion that gave lightning bolt a cooldown and made it deal 1000% more damage or whatever but i think DF perfected lightning bolts relationship to enhancement

it feels really good to have a meaningful resource dump
not only that but the way they made it synergize with stormstrike via frostwitch was so extremely well done imo
THEN they topped even that by adding the 20%rng maelstrom refund on lightning bolt

i genuinely can’t imagine the spec being better designed than it is right now
i get kinda worried when people call for a rework ngl

i wish they could just get the numerical tuning down and do nothing else because rn it’s 11/10

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Maelstron lightning bolt is more interesting than maelstron making crash of lightning hit 2x harder than stormstrike while procs windfury???

Nothing in Cata felt better for Ret than getting a chain of divine purpose procs. Back to back TVs were a dopamine hit. Three or more and you were just over the moon.

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Make 2h enh a thing!

i think so yeah

besides that there’s very few things worse than being 100% melee in an iteration of the game where classes like warlock have a 12s cd port or arcane mages exist

The whole thing about enhancement is being melee, shocks are already enough as ranged.
Theres no way someone genuinely thinks that enhancement with 50% elemental kit is a good design.
Make a reflection about how enhancement would be better if all your attacks could proc windfury, about how satisfying is to press stormstrike and how good it would be if you could do more things like that.

i think the lash design is actually really cool and thematic and i’m glad it exists as an option

i personally enjoy the wind and lightning theme more and i think lightning bolt defo fits with wf/ss

your vision of enhancement is sort of narrow and weird
not really what i’d say most people think/feel


Enhancement relying on attack speed, bloodlust, stormstrikes, windfury is weird.

But enhancement relying on lightning bolts, primordial wave, thunderstorm and shock is fine…

Yeah, i really don’t know what to say about that.
It may sound offensive so I prefer not to express myself, you just want a melee spec to have 50% of his kit as a caster.

never once said enhancement does or should rely on lightning bolt nor did i say i enjoyed primwave

i said that lightning bolt thematically is fine with ss and wf
stormstrike is a lightning imbued ability, utilizing lightning magic is sick

your weird cringe rp championing enhancement losing thunderstorm is a violation tho

you chose to express yourself when your thoughts were stupid
why stop at offensive?

If you put two skills and 1 passive on elemental it becomes practically the same spec as enhancement. Its pathetic.

advocating for something of this quality is worrying.