Enhancement spec bonuses

God why did you let it come to a vote let us use all 3 s2 set is bis but no one will realise because they think cdr is the most fun mechanic ever :frowning:

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I have never talented into Primordial Wave this expansion, and I refuse to do so even now.


Pretty obvious season 3 was going to win from the get go.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to cast Stormstrike. The process is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the button presses will go over a typical player’s head. There’s also Thrall’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The Shaman players understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these characteristics, to realise that they’re not just skillful- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Shamans truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Thrall’s existential catchphrase “Thrall’s balls,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Chris Metzen’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools they are the 65% of voters voting for the Season 3 tier set.

Memes aside, Elementalist may have a higher skill floor to make work but it feels WAY more satisfying when played well rather than “the game decided I get to do damage”. Hot Hands is RNG but it is in no way similar to the RNG of DRE. It’s also worth considering that even in M+, the Elementalist build won out even after being target-capped and losing EB in M+ in Season 2. Not to mention the moment multiple targets are present in raid (see Echo, Assualt, Sark in addition to Mythic Experiments and Mythic Zskarn), Storm was miles worse even with perfect play compared to just proper, not perfect, but proper Elementalist play.


I hate both equally if its any consolation


alright so fill me in since s4 in sl left such a horrid taste in my mouth that i just came back to the game in the last 2 weeks(yes it was 100% the m+ dungeon selection)…was the supporting build for s2 a pure casino spec with legion/bfa lvls of rng variance?..if so nooooooooooo hard pass

Half T30 4p was useless after they fixed it in ST. They will probably fix that by add Lightning Bolt but even I would vote S3 without any thought.

Yeah because 2 points in Elemental Assault feels very good to play, Elemental Assault probably should be baseline. If you don’t trust your group, take Sundering instead 2 points in Elemental Assault.

The biggest problems for storm build is that it’s so shallow and it’s extremely generic playstyle seen in a lot of classes. It has a core gameplay design turns every Enhancement Shaman’s ability into the filler. Elementalist is unique and non-comparable to the other specs, the vote on set bonus does reflect on that.

That’s fine if you feel that way about it. I and many others however do not. That’s why having 2 viable builds is the best option as everyone can play what they like. S2 I was switching between both builds and it was great. I’ve had 0 opportunity to do that this season. All I’m asking for is the viability for both.


I think the only way storm build could be viable is if they make ascendance on a one minute cd. This is coming from doing dungeons throughout Shadowlands… eww.

Edited for clarity…


I mean it was more that in Season 2 you just played each build on half the fights but they did not hold parody with each other on every fights. On Kazara, Amalgamation, Magmorax, and Rashok Storm build was undisputedly better. On Forgotten Experiments and Zskarn on Mythic in addition to Assualt, Echo, and Sark Elementalist was undisputedly better. Playing the other build was severely the wrong move, but you could still play them if you want.

The hot take I’d say is that Season 1 was way better for Enhance than Season 2 raiding-wise. You played Elementalist (except for Terros which who cares, Elementalist was far more consistent and better for prog) but you had multiple builds you would run, one specific for Kurog, Broodkeeper, Primal Council, and Razageth. Mind you they were mostly 1 talent point changes but it was enough at least in mythic that was pretty interesting, Primal being the Ashen Catalyst and Chain Lightning bonanza, Broodkeeper being that intense almost M+ feel, Kurog being a 2 target cleave fight almost made for Enhance, and Feral lunge of things on Razageth being something you could use to make really fun sick plays to survive and do mechanics, especially on mythic. In season 2 you have 4 fights where you just mashed 1 button and prayed for RNG God’s favor for never-ending Stormbringer procs and frequent DRE procs and the other 5 fights were more engaging where Enhance was nearly fight-defining for those 3 of those fights which coincidentally was because of the Elementalist build.

My whole thing is that Elementalist has more moments of glory made from skill expression whereas with Storm it felt like if you didn’t get 4 DRE procs during lust it made you feel like you were just there for Windfury totem. Not that I would hate if Storm got some play of SOMETIMES but if I had to choose a singular build that would be the best one to go with, I would want it to be Elementalist.

Sure. S1 also had a lot variance in builds too. Changing hands on which is better per fight isn’t game breaking to me. Not saying both need to be best in all fights. But only one being viable for all fights until next expac isnt great. And not how it has been up until this tier.

Then fix it, don’t bin it.

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As long as we have current DRE (proccing from Stormstrike) and other RNG elements like Stormbringer. The rotation stay same from last seasons aka all abilities turns into filler ability except Stormstrike. Then storm build is bad designed build, you can’t fix storm build with tuning. The only way to fix storm build is rework the storm build or bin it.


at S3 and higher stat weights Storm scales like trash. I understand the frustration but it isn’t that earlier on storm was “better” it’s that Ele was worse at lower mastery levels.

I hate myself, that’s why i play enhance


I cannot believe people enjoy the pwave spec


Ya, if I’m forced into another season of pwave then season 4 is gonna be a “no” for me


Man some of these replies are wild. Anyone who votes for S2 tier set over S3 :expressionless:.

How you can complain about LL but love spamming stormstrike is beyond me.


Anyone that chooses S2 over S3 is insane.

DRE build is not fun to play. Mashing SS in hopes for a DRE proc was not pinnacle gameplay, it’s for people that want a boring spec. If you want a boring spec, go to another class like Warrior or something.

S3 is how it should be played. LL build is way better in keys (sure, we’re target capped but it is 100% better than DRE build) and it rewards you for playing well, not for being lucky. It also makes it so we have 0 cooldowns and we can just send when we want (always).