Enhancement shaman's windfurry totem, how good is it?

So I like playing bard and dancer in [dangerous game to name because people become very angry if I name it] and so enhancement shaman looks appealing to me because it seems like the only DPS that can actually buff it’s team mates damage.

How is it doing at this job??

I want to be a buff bot.

I know sometime during the PTR cycle it just straight up didn’t work, but it was satisfying seeing the wind procs anyway.

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If you main enh you’ll spend all of your time on the forums crying/trolling because its the only thing you’ll be able to do once you realize no one will invite you.

Even after the buffs though D:/!?!?

And no one wants the addition to their numbers being padded by windfurry totem?

With very few exceptions enh has been trash since vanilla. Google “bus shock” for some background on it rofl

Edit: I’ve LEVELED, not boosted, two shaman to cap. Before the leveling changes. And will level more. I say this as someone who loves the class so keep that in mind.

You wanna do mythic. Step away from shaman.

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People say that but it is a load of crap. Any spec can do well enough to pull weight as long as it is being played properly. Not everyone is looking to min/max for bleeding edge progression.


the value of wft after the lvl 58 passive is roughly the same for the melee in your party as a warriors battle shout keep in mind tho unlike other buffs WFT is party wide and not raid wide, and very limited in who it benefits so this will by no means assure enh a spot.

since i do play quite a bit of the game you’re speaking of wow doesn’t really have anything of the heavy support dps model like a bard or dancer but to give a good comparison enh both utility and play style wise plays a lot like a monk…without the obnoxious levels of positionals.

one thing tho be sure you know what you’re getting into right now coming off of an expansion where it really was as terrible as the worst of the doomsayers would claim it has a bit of a stigma that it will have to fight thru atleast early on in shadowlands

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Thank you all for the greater context. >.<

Damn, that honestly is really a good thing to hear. I am going to put my shaman plans on the side for at least a little while I think. >_<

Shaman with windfury isn’t the only buff dps specs can give.

Dh - increase magic damage dealt to target by 5%
Monk - increase physical damage dealt to target by 5%
Warriors - increase attack power by 5%
Mage - increase intellect by 5%

It used to be a lot more but apparently we aren’t allowed to synergize together :frowning:

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It’s a 7.7% DPS increase for Arms Warriors (according to one of the many, many spreadsheets this expansion has forced people to create), which are looking extremely strong for some key bosses simply because of the damage profile those fights favor.

A 7% DPS increase on a class that performs at its absolute best during the first and last 20% of a boss fight is a big, big, big deal.

EDIT: here’s that spreadsheet.



Version for people who can’t access Twitter via the WoW forums for any given reason.

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Its nothing like have a windfury totem in Classic, this one can only proc off auto attacks. It has a double advantage on a warrior simply due to rage generation from auto attacks.

I couldnt imagine bringing an enh shammy solely to have the buff though.

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Unless Enhancement itself is an extremely strong spec (LMAO no) the viability of Enhancement’s utility in this regard depends entirely on how strong Arms Warriors are for the bosses that matter the most.

Great spec bros.

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Have we seen any numbers since the huge buff they just got?

Not yet, but the people that used it on the ptr prebuff had it rated as a high B rank dps. One that isn’t super unstoppable amazing but isn’t the absolute garbage everyone has been saying.

And that was before buffs

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