I get nothing is set in stone yet and I am really hoping that’s the case for the enhancement set bonus. With enhancement being near the bottom of dps and the current set up of combining tier 2 and tier 2.5 sets to help buff storm strike to actually feel good to press I don’t understand where the disconnect is with the devs for the tier 3 bonus. The two set to increase lightning shield damage for a rune that barely adds anything to our dps profile in the first place feels so out of place. Hoping the devs look at the play testing and revisit this set to make it a more melee ability focused bonus instead of giving us a 2 set that’s almost useless for enhancement. You’d have to run bonuses from tier 2 to even make the t3 2 set viable but then you’re trading storm strike damage which is what is the only thing keeping us from being worse than tanks when it comes to our dps. Anyone have any solid ideas what they should change the t3 2 set bonus to?
Ps: still waiting for the 2h update that gives the only melee spec in the game with 1 single melee ability another melee button to press.