Enhancement Shaman Shadowlands PVP

Im new to Shaman and loving it. Im not finding a lot of guides on Enhancement PVP . Im trying to figure out the Stat Priority for enhancement. Agility> Vers> Haste=Crit > Mastery is what I’ve come up with so far but I’ve seen people saying different things. Does anyone have any advice? Also open to any info on the spec and class in whole.

Welcome to the fold!

I would check out Tiqqle’s content:


And his icy veins written guide:



I was about to reccoment Tiqqle’s videos.

That guy is gold, very good guides and it’s kinda funny and charismatic. I’ve been playing shaman since Legion and he’s been THE GUY to watch.


Don’t mean to hijack the thread but I’m new to shamans and have some pvp questions as well. As enhance, when I’m on a kill target, does it make sense to hit them with a second flame shock and reset the dot or is it better to spread it to someone else? Like is the initial damage it does worth it or is the global better spent spreading?

Also, I’m having trouble using grounding properly. Right now I’m saving it for something like warrior charge or paladin hoj because I know when it might be coming, but I’m struggling otherwise. It is a waste to drop it in a team fight just as is without any intent? Will it mitigate damage or am I just wasting it? Thanks.

I don’t think grounding totem works on a warrior’s charge. But basically, treat grounding totem like a second interrupt that you use towards the end of someone’s cast

Things to ground:

Mind Games
Chaos Bolt
G. Pyro
Hammer of Justice (if paladin charging towards you on steed as you running away, prolly good idea to drop it)
Death Grip (if a dk running towards you, prolly good idea to drop it)

Other 5head plays for Grounding Totem

  • against a DK, Priest, Mage, Paladin: Use grounding Totem as a blanket to protect your hardcast heal or hex (grounding will eat spell-based interupts)
  • against a hunter: Grounding totem then run over their trap to watch it get eaten by the totem

Very helpful. Thank you!

TIQQLE FOR THE WIN. Watch him on Twitch as well good guy

For flame shock, it’s not a huge part of your damage, so toss it onto your kill target only. But then always follow it up with frost shocks instead, as Flame/Frost shocks share the same CD.

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Can any 2K+ Enhance share a screenshot of their UI? I just got wrecked multiple times by Paladin/Monk builds who had under 26K HP. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, how the F do I and a Feral Druid/Rogue get wrecked by them? HOw could I NOT deal a single crit hit if they have 25K hp?

contrary to popular belief that enhance is really good in pvp we are not. We have one good comp which is turbo and we are probably the worst viable melee in 2s with a healer. U will lose to ferals, rogues, rets and wars and monks, and dks if given same gear and skill. But basically trhe best thing u can do is try to make sure u have uninterupted uptime on targets when u pop hero + doomwinds.

Windwalkers have a 100% parry from the front on fists or fury which makes landing your dmg a real pain on the butt. They might be one of the hardest melee matchups because of this (in my opinion).

You need to be behind them during FoF or kiting them (good luck).

You could try counterstrike totem as they might ignore it amid all the mayhem of xuen and storm, earth, fire…but better players will stomp it immediately.

WW is my least favorite matchup.