12+ abilities for each fight is just not enough.
I paid for the full keyboard, I want to use the full keyboard.
12+ abilities for each fight is just not enough.
I paid for the full keyboard, I want to use the full keyboard.
* insert Kylo Ren “MORE!” gif here *
I have a hard enough time playing enhance as it is. I don’t need more buttons added to my skill bar.
I like Enhancement, it’s nice. Yeah there are a lot of abilities, but most of them are longer CD’s, so you’re not really choosing between multiple abilities as much.
This is a great post.
Fixed that for you.
Arcane Mage and Enhancement Shamans excessive amount of rotational abilities is why I do not play those specs.
It wouldn’t be so bad if a lot of enhancement abilities didn’t feel so underwhelming to use.
I’m playing a retail Enh Shaman, not a Classic frost Mage…