Me: Looking for a fun environment. I’m a LW with drums and come fully consumed. I am not sweaty, but I try my best and am open to suggestions and improvement ideas. I will not be dedicating more than 10 hours a week to raiding at most.
You: Laid back fun raiding environment. Transparent and communicative leadership. Able to clear content a plus but not worth it if it involves toxic attitudes. I’m wanting a team that is wanting to stick out the expansion. I personally never missed a week of raiding in Classic and I’m willing to dedicate the same amount of time to a guild that meets these standards. I prefer raid times that end by 11:30 but could be convinced to join a midnight end time if it’s for the right guild.
I’m almost full P1 BIS (minus 2-3 pieces). I’ve cleared most of TK/SSC (haven’t killed Vashj or KT).
Hey Fin! If you’re still looking, add me to
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Hey Fin,
Iconic is the guild for you. We raid W/Th/M 830-1130ST. Our goal is to clear all content in a timely manner but also have a good time. That being said we do expect our raiders to know their class/boss fights/have proper addons/WA’s etc. We want to have fun but not waste peoples time.
Progress 8/10
Loot: LC
If these seems to your liking feel free to add me on btag or discord.
Cerinity#1162 - Discord
Xcirus#1428 - Btag
Seen your post looking for a guild, we are in need of a enhance shaman. We raid Wednesday & Sunday 9pm-12 server time ; we are 5/10 with 2 more bosses hopefully down Sunday. We are a guild that has been around since vanilla, we raided all content from MC to Naxx. We are a great group of friends that have a focus on getting content down with also having the right amount of fun.
Loot - EPGP
Reach out to an officer via in game - Falcros, Rickygrimes, Rax, Remedys, or Maevy
Discord - Rickygrimes#2538