Enhancement shaman- dagger issue


70 Orc Hunter 30990

Dec '20

Although daggers are wielded in one hand and used in melee, they are not one-handed melee weapons. 1h axes, 1h maces, 1h swords, and fist weapons are the members of the class of weapons called “one-hand melee” weapons. And since shamans don’t use swords, you can remove that from the list for your purposes.

This is an intentional and consistently applied design decision by the developers, going back literally years, so it’s not a bug. So don’t bother trying to report it as a bug. If you want it changed, post in your class forum or General Discussion, or use the in-game suggestion feature.

It’s also not a Technical Support issue.

As an enhancement shaman, this dagger issue has been annoying throughout the years. When you look under the General shaman tab, weapons a shaman can use are as follows: axes, daggers, fist weapons, maces and staves. So recently my blacksmith crafted an upgraded dagger for my enhancement shaman. But now I am seeing the red warning that I need a one-handed melee weapon to use stormstrike and lava lash.

So elemental or resto can really “use” a dagger, but enhancement shaman cannot.
This is not succinctly clear when the weapons tab clearly states that shaman can use dagger. I have played all 3 classes of shaman over the years.

It makes sense that if elemental and resto shaman CAN use daggers, then enhancement shamans should be able to use them too. If not then remove dagger use from ALL shaman. It is ridiculous that an enhancement shaman has the ability to place them in the weapons slots, but NOT get full use out of them.

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I mean, probably just take 5 seconds to look at the dagger and see that Agility isn’t on it.

Agility is on my dagger.

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Agi isn’t the issue. Shamans (in general) can equip daggers, but the core enhance abilities REQUIRE a “one-handed” weapon in your off-hand NOT an “off hand weapon”. Agi daggers are considered “off hand”.

This is not indicated really anywhere in the game. Just semantics and technicalities.

It also causes weird loot restrictions, because Agi daggers are not on your loot table.

Now I can use the dagger in my off-hand, but I still get a message about a melee weapon.
The dagger my blacksmith made my shaman was 472 Primal Molten Shortblade (dreamcrafted).

I just wish this information was on the general tab in regards to weapons can use. That is the first place people look to double check.

Thanks for your help. I do appreciate it.

It’s not emphasized enough, but there are indications of what weapons the designers intend Enhancement Shamans (and the other specializations) to use:

“Preferred weapon” isn’t really strong enough, but the indicators are there.

Personally, I think they should just remove daggers entirely from the Shaman’s weapon skills. I can’t even remember the last time I used a dagger as any Shaman spec. It has always been maces and axes.

A resto or ele sham might appreciate a +Int dagger if they’re already running weapon+offhand and it’s an upgrade.

The problem is the weird limitations that mean that two specs can use +Int daggers but one spec can’t use +Agi daggers. (Which, I suppose, is a relief to rogues rolling against them. But not Outlaw rogues, with the similar limitation that their main-hand can’t be a dagger.)


The tooltip for Stormstrike reads: “Energizes both your weapons…”
The tooltip for Lava Last reads: “Charges your off-hand weapon…”

If you look at the Loot tables in game while on enhance spec, if you look at the loot table for Dawn of the Infinite for example: Filter it by All Loot - Main Hand. It will show items in either Red or Black text.

Double Time (Warglaives - Red)
Quel’Zaram (Sword - Red).
Falled Drake (Axe - standard color)
Nick of Time (Dagger - standard color?)

Idk just thought this was pretty much common sense at this point.

I’ll also bring up that ele/resto can use int “held in offhand” items despite them not being on the loot table.