Enhancement Range

I don’t know if this is just a tauren thing or what, but I feel like I have to almost be standing on top of mobs to hit them. It makes me wish we had something like acrobatic strikes to give a little bit more distance when fighting. I’m really digging enhancement for the most part in DF though, it just feels like I’m kind of a glass cannon at times.


Enhancement is a melee class unless you are in ascendance and then we get 30 yd range to our melee abilities. This is how the class has always been

I think it’s the Tauren model. I always feel like I need to be super close to things to melee when I play as a Tauren because the model is proportionally larger than others, but the range stays the same (as far as I know).

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Yeah I mean I made this guy in cata and just always felt different than others, maybe I’m crazy.

Enhancement is one of the most versatile melee classes when it comes to cycling between melee and ranged. We don’t have many gap closers other than feral lunge true, but half of our toolkit, especially in current patch are instant ranged casts that you can build up to prepare for a second or two where you’re not on boss. Ele blast, lightning bolt, chain lightning. Crash lightning has a forgiving range, flame shock. Frost shock. Spreading flame shocks with priordial.

We are lucky in terms of our ranged capabilities as melee.

Totally agree with you on squishyness. Reincarnation takes up so much of the defensive budget, and is super dangerous anyways. We can use some more defensives.

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Mhm, I like the DF enhancement for the most part, but healing stream, stoneskin totem, feel very underwhelming. I’d like shamanistic rage back


The hit zone doesnt get bigger becasue you are bigger.

Dude Blizz needs to just get rid of reincarnation. I hate that ability. I hate because blizzard thinks its a defense. Knock, knock blizz. reality is at the door and guess what? It says it isnt a defense if you are DEAD!

Doesn’t take the death counter off the mythic key run, doesn’t save the raid when you can get up alone, and its typical use is to save you time in a corpse run.


It is a bubble to wait for cds to get back up. You just get to watch the other player dance around on your corpse then use their even shorter stun cd to hit you when you think you are ready

I would say they need to rework it either make it like a cheat death or give it a shorter cd that would make it 100% better I like being able to pop up if I die in a fight in pve. So I think giving it a shorter cd would be better.