… What? What was the point of that? You certainly didn’t lay that out very well.

Great. So allow two-handed enhancement but only for a weapon that literally every two-handed user can use. Thanks for reinforcing my point.

Listen I dont even need the insane burst they’d have to work around with a two hander windfury crit. Just give me the cosmetic option at this point like they did for holy paladins and artifact appearance in bfa

Ok I guess I have to Really explain a Scenario that’s fine.

Scenario A: I got Devastation’s Hour, I already Have it four others in the group wanted it but they didn’t get it with Bonus or regular loot. I say sucks to suck ima keep it since i got it with my loot, End

Scenario B: I got Devastation’s Hour, I already have it four others want it but didn’t get it. so they bonus roll drat not luck, I then put it on for roll. Some one wins it that wouldn’t have gotten it regardless they know have won a secondary bonus roll to get the loot.

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Honestly, I’d be super down for that. I’ve got a Worldcarver I’d love to mix with some transmogs.

With personal loot the only arguement I could see about this is putting more weapons in the loot pool. So dual wielders have to deal with getting a 2 hander they dont want. If your in the small pool of people that still treat loot like it belongs to roll offs. Thata another problem and avoidable.

Ah but they could adjust and I bet you they will, Loot specialzation for Frost is going to be either you right click and be like “current loot spec” “Blood” “Frost 1hander” Frost “2Hander” Unholy.

Tell you what. You go and make a thread elsewhere called “Personal Loot is Great and Here’s Why” and I’ll argue with you there. Otherwise, stick to the thread of how giving enhancement two-handed and making our pool of weapons shared with so many other classes because we have to fundamentally change whole game systems to make it work is a genuinely good idea when your Scenario B exists. Except you are the one rolling on your “for all purposes bonus loot” and you not being able to win a tertiary random chance game against everyone else in your raid that’s also fighting for that one piece.

You don’t have an argument. You’re picking at a small detail of what I said over an hour ago and ignoring everything else. Why is this a good idea? Because a small group of people want it?

What gameplay do you want to bring back? The windfury 1 shots? That wasn’t fun even when it was relevant. It was funny, sure. I had a good laugh the 3 times I legitimately remember that happening. But there were also times where it didn’t happen and it wasn’t funny that my main source of damage wasn’t working.

How do you want to bend the game systems to make this work? Make every weapon type have fluid stats? Great. That just screwed up every other class and spec just because you wanted to use two handers. Give us the ability to use polearms? Okay. So limit us to two weapon types (staves and polearms) when you want to use this really outdated playstyle, when you really just want to transmog them to axes and maces regardless because you’re grasping at straws.

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That’s like saying as a hunter you want to go “Marksman Crossbow, Marksman Gun, Marksman Bow”. They’re just going to have two handers included in their loot rolls as well. Like they did when bonus rolling was first introduced and frost could still go both ways.

Ok well I made this forum so I will stay on the topic at hand and you should to, because you brought up the loot issue and I explained why its a non issue you can’t see that great fine leave the forum then. Because I am defending my point of having a two handed option for shaman is fine. Also it’s not the same thing as Marksmen hunter gun marksmenhunter bow don’t try to play some stupid game here. Duel wield and 2 handed are two different things. Bow and gun in this game are the same thing. You have horrible arguments that wouldn’t be used anywhere ever because they are bad so stop trying to use bad arguments. in fact why even argue with people wanted more options.

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I just don’t understand waging a war on an option that some players would like to see. It’s not like my choice makes a negative impact on the guy who doesn’t want it. That’s like arguing that because I prefer chocolate it’s going to ruin your strawberry. I should give up on chocolate and just eat strawberry.


Not trying to wage a war. As I’ve said several times here, I like more options.

His options would overall make the game feel worse to play, and not just moment to moment, but overall. He obviously wants two-handed to make a comeback. I don’t feel it’s worth shifting how the game is structured just to make it work.

Just making it so all weapons have fluid stats affects everyone. Not just us. And not for the better. Sure we have more options to get more weapons, but we also have more competition to get any weapons.

Listen you must not play the same game as me. There is 0 problems at getting loot for the spec. and it takes no effort to make loot spec two hander or one hander.
you say you don’t have an issue but argue with every logical thing said on the side of time returning. Yes I want two handed to make a come back. but not in the form you seem to think I do I want the shamans of enhancement to have the choice of being duel wield or two handed. It’s not that hard at all you think it does but have you ever done anything with code before? Also there is no issue with all weps being given an AGI stat.

Yea, I see what your saying. It would add complications. But loot-wise? I don’t think so. If I receive a piece of loot in a run it isn’t taking it away from someone else. That’s not how it works. Loot “Competition” is a problem of the past. It would take work to make happen, and only Blizzard really knows how hard or easy it would be. But you said you like options. So that is siding for it imo.

It’s… Ugh.

I never said it was a coding issue. I’m sure it’s easy to physically code in different stats.

Looking at your first post. You just want the appearance of a shaman with Sulfuras.

What options do you want? More weapon choices? I mean, we have a good number of those already. Wish we got swords as well, but eh.

Do you want more gameplay options? Okay. How would you suggest those options are implemented? Great. How would you deal with the fact that agility two handers that we can actually use are super niche? Fluid stats? I’m not beating that drum for the Nth time. The problems cascade. Not a programming one, but a social gameplay one. This is an MMO. You can’t just make one “small” change and have it not affect the entire game’s structure.

They’ve done that “small change” quite a few times you realize that, I mean think of all the stats that have been removed from gear from the past. it’s not a huge change and adding more 1 main stat to weps that already exist is fine because at the end of the day no one cares. Like really no one. you get loot regardless or you dont if you are unlucky. Also i’m not trying to break the classes fantasy im trying to add back what it lost that is all.

Keep the thread strong boys, we need this change! We have been forced to use one handed weapon for far too long! We must make a stand and show them that Shamans are here to wield mighty hammers and axes, to smite our foes with the power of lighting, fire, frost and earth. HEED OUR CALL BLIZZ <3

The thread won’t die I promise, it just takes time we have to let people read and understand the need for Two handed shamans.


Blizzard, 2 handers for enhance or Azeroth will feel the wrath of the elements!


I see this argument used so many times, for so many things, and it rings too hollow for me to not call out every time. It’s always positioned as a knockdown argument with no counter, but the thing is, dev hours are limited. Any time spent doing whatever they would need to do to re-enable 2H Enhancement is time they aren’t spending working on another system, refining the DW spec that’s been evolving since TBC, etc. etc. etc.

So technically, yes. Your push to have them include 2H Enhancement will have some effect on the game that could impact a system someone else enjoys. You can try to argue that it would be a simple fix/adjustment and boom, 2H enabled, but that’s the argument you should focus on. Trying to devolve it into some sort of finger-pointing at another trying to make them look like the bad guy doesn’t support your point, and in this case, is also wrong.

Also, people act like Shaman has had 2H for some extended period of time, but it’s a blip on the radar. Vanilla to TBC was about 2.5 years, WoW has been around for about 16 years. Enhancement was a WF slot machine for fun videos if you could get Sulfuras, but it wasn’t viable in raid content compared to other classes (see: all of the analysis done in this thread). In TBC, it also wasn’t viable in PvE, even though Enhancement became a staple of raid comps. 2H could be used in PvP for one-shot purposes, but more for laughs than anything.

Then 2H disappeared and hasn’t returned since. Nov 13, 2008, WotLK releases and 2H is essentially gone. We’re 12 years later, and people act like they are owed the return of the messiah. It was comedic while it lasted, I love the aesthetic of 2H, but I think they have better things to do with their time. And I don’t think DK/Monk are parallels to Shaman.


Lost 2 handers near the end of MoP. Which is boasting a longer time than the other 2 class reverts have even exsisted.

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