Enhancement Baseline

  • Stormstrike
  • Lava Lash

Idk about you, but i think these should all be baseline abilities to enhancement, and not talent point dumps.

LavaLash is garbage. It needs like 8 talent points to be worth pressing. Voltaic blaze does as much damage and spreads Flameshock for 1 talentpoint.

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Everything needs 8 talent points to be worth pressing, it’s partly why I’m not crazy about the current talent system.

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That’s true. LL just seems particularly egregious to me.

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FWIW, you only really need 2 talent points for it to do its primary function: spreading flame shock. Sure, you could spend another 4 talent points to buff it further, but those are pretty much dead talents anyway.

That may be your primary grievance, but LL has never really been a hard hitter.