More accessibility options are certainly appreciated; I just wish whoever focuses on accessibility would try to make sure the design team takes fine-motor-control accessibility issues into account the next time they add platforming-style content like the ZM jumping puzzles, World quests like Up and Away, Jumping Jellies, Like the Wind, etc.
I’m not saying that those types of puzzle design shouldn’t exist at all, but some accessibility design sensibilities applied to said 3d movement workouts would go such a long way towards said content not feeling like the devs don’t care about the experience of those with hand, wrist, finger pain/injuries/nerve-damage/apaxia/etc. We know accessibility is on the minds of at least some of the team, otherwise we wouldn’t have seen more accessibility features added over the years. However, many of the 3d-puzzle elements that have been added to the game—though, these additions are admittedly few and far between—represent the complete antithesis of accessible design.
I’ll quote myself about examples of just a few things that the quest/zone designers could do to improve accessibility for these by landslide:
They don’t need to completely remove this stuff just tone down the 3d platforming design into something manageable for all classes or at least make landing areas obvious by using flat surfaces, make jump arcs consistent somehow when near these puzzles, or at least make the camera fixed when doing these with nothing clipping into the camera view.
As a player base, we can make statements like “skip the Zereth Mortis jumping puzzles until flying is availabe”, which I did on most characters, and similar statements about just skipping the other 3d platforming stuff, but that doesn’t change the fact that the design team keeps adding more of these and they are less accessible in each new iteration. Just be aware of how these affect some of us: these things can be truly physically painful for some of us.
These 3D platforming segments (focus on the Z-axis part, since stuff like “Flight School: Flapping Frenzy” that are presented in 2D movement can be finished—at least by myself—using my better hand) are pretty well the only things in the game that make me consider straight-up quitting because they quite truly painful. I know…just skip them…but it’s just so frustrating that they even exist in the particular way that they do when a few alterations would make such a difference…
I really do appreciate the improvements that have been made to accessibility, and in about 2-3 weeks when I have the chance to physically be there, I actually plan on seeing if the text-to-speech is at a point where a friend of 30+ years who 100% lost his eyesight about a decade ago can play. He played WoW in the past before he lost his eyes, and he still mentions it at times (I and a couple friends play Diablo 3 on console with him because it’s one of the most blind-accessible games that is not a fighting game…it’s also too bad Diablo II Resurrected didn’t have that kind of accessibility). So, I’m glad accessibility progress is happening, but you need to keep moving forward and consider what other physical adversities that your players may be facing.