Enhance Shaman LF Heroic Raiding Guild


I am a returning player after a Season 4 break looking for a guild to do heroic raids in The War Within. I’d like to raid 2-3 days a week preferrable Monday - Thursday and starting around 8 PM EST and finishing around 11 PM EST. Please send tell.

BNet: Talota#11326
Discord: talota11326

Thank you

Hi Talota,

We at Fear No Evil would love to have people like yourself and your companion, we are a midcore guild of friends who have been playing the game together since Vanilla, raiding MC and BWL, but have since grown with many fresh faces in Dragonflight.

We are also AOTC raiders that raid every Tuesday & Thursday at 8:00 - 10:30EST and are currently looking to push into and clear Mythic raids in TWW. We are not a hardcore CE guild but we aim to enter the Mythic raiding scene. Currently we are in need of an exceptional DPS for our roster.

We also push keys all the time and even have Wednesday dedicated to a big key run day where we would love to have you be a part of to push keys and fill the vaults.

Outside of raiding and M+ runs we are active and sociable on our discord server. All in all I think you two would make perfect additions to our guild.

Feel free to contact me on discord, would love to hear from you.

You can also see our full post here: [A/H] [Garona] 9/9H LF Players to fill roster for TWW to push Mythic


Our guild is currently looking for more playing to join our ranks and a shaman would be ideal. Looks like our times to align as well. I linked our current post below so you can see what we are all about and friend requested you on discord as well. Happy Hunting =)

Bumping thread.

Hey man, I know its out of the days you posted but if heres my guild spiel if you’re interested haha
We raid Saturday/Sunday 6-8:30 PST
We are currently recruiting afew more healers/dps for my guild. We achieve AotC in a pretty quick timeframe while maintaining a laidback enviroment. S1 7 weeks, S2 5 weeks, S3 4 weeks. After we get AotC we cut back to one day a week. During the season we have multiple M+ groups running frequently.

Add me on bnet if you have more questions Zurgilz#1715

As of July 23, 2024 join any guild on any realm. No server transfers necessary.

The Dignified on Blade’s Edge is a large active 13 yr old fun, player friendly guild where you can find many guild events scheduled on the in game calendar.

Casual raids Fri Sat 6-8pm CDT open to all guildies. Mythic Mondays, M+ in guild chat every day, weekly old content runs, parties, raffles, mog contests, old school fun things! For more information contact the guild GM (info below).

RBG’s for all guildies 4 nights a week. RBG push team 2 nights a week. **Recruiting a team leader/target caller to help establish and lead another push team. **

Recruiting a DPS for progression raid team.
ABOUT OUR PROG RAID TEAM: AOTC every season and some mythic kills. We have solid players with class flexibility. Leader and others have Mythic raiding background. Contact our raid lead (info below), if interested in progression raiding with us. Tue Wed 8-10pm CDT (9-11pm eastern).

Raid lead Discord: olrazzledazl
GUILD GM BNET: Stormy#1445 (also for pvp)

Greetings Talota!

Our times match, so please check us out!

WARCRAFT is a highly active, raiding guild on the merged realms of Khadgar/Alleria/Exodar/Medivh, and we are recruiting!

AOTC focused Guild established in March of 2015. We have nearly every AOTC since Highmaul and usually dip our toes into mythic.

Core spots available. We are looking for reliable players to push progression and end game content.

The raid schedule:
Tuesday 8:30-11p EST
Thursday 8:30-11p EST

You are expected to be on time with flasks, pots, enchants, gems, and smiles. If you need something, just ask! We are a TEAMWORK-oriented guild.

We believe in player development, including gearing and training players without elitism or cliques.

“Special snowflake” accommodations, safe spaces, and “preferred pronouns” not available. Must understand the difference between helping and having control issues. If a participation trophy is the peak of your existence, or if direct and blunt personalities, such as ex-military leadership, are a source of trauma for you, our healers can’t triage that. They fix health bars, not your emotional damage.

Guild Discord server available for your voice chatting needs.

Contact information:
BNET: Zoobee-Khadgar (First Officer) (zoobee#1855)
Discord: zoobee27 (zoobee#8147)