Enhance forever locked into turbo

Try beastcleave? Really fun comp imo

also a do-nothing comp, you know enhance is not in a very good spot when smexxin goes back to ele, or drops the class entirely. enhance has no stun and has rng damage

edit: i’ve tried a ton of comps with a lot of great players. enhance just does nothing without a warrior to fill in his gaps with offheals, ranged kick and grounding. turbo has very simple win conditions too 200 iq not required

Well idk about a Do Nothing comp, it brings lots of stuff. Like imagine kyrian arrow on top of static totem?

sounds very gimmicky (mm hunter lol) besides kyrian arrow literally goes thru walls, static cling totem is redundant, most who dare to play beast cleave play with bm hunters who i think are all venthyr. in general tho, enhance still with no stun and rng damage i don’t see any real win condition, there are 20 other comps that do the same thing but infinitely better.

Idk man i don’t go for a comp simply because it’s meta or something. As long as there’s some kind of synergy and clear win condition and i find it fun, I’ll play it


enhance is essentially rsham if they had a talent called “way of the totem”

is watching DRs and counting to 3 high IQ lol?

enhance works with BM hunter, warrior, rogue, DH, WW…

i think this thread just conveyed his complaint badly

another expansion where enhance doesn’t bring game-universal utility like it’s own actual stun making it just worse option for most comps in the game

i don’t really agree and i think it’s a 1 dimensional way of viewing the game
but i do completely understand where he’s coming from

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i guess that makes more sense, but the game kinda can only have so many specs that bring the meta-defining hard ccs. i think it’s long past time anyone with pattern recognition skills should’ve stopped expecting enhance to suddenly become that, cuz i can’t remember a time that it was otherwise. fitting in with more than one of that type of spec is good enough for both druid dps options etc

I think more factors play into why enhance isn’t higher represented outside of turbo at higher ratings. Turbo being THAT good of a comp where it is just easier to find teammates. Enhance isn’t a super high pop spec. All of that being said, enhance WW is scarier than turbo. Enhance/outlaw is also crazy good. People not playing the comps very much doesn’t mean they don’t work.

agree to some extent

adding something like boulder fist as a reskinned stormbolt or feleruption would make hunter/enhance a good comp as often as hunter and enhance are both strong unlike now when it’s playable when either survival is doing 2x as much damage as it should (now) or enhance is doing 2x as much healing as it should (dread)

it would make comps like ww/enh easier to play which would make it a more popular comp
even if it is now and has been a top tier comp

it would make L$D3 really annoying but significantly better

the argument at that point would be

is it out-dated that enhance doesn’t have a stormbolt/feleruption/hoj/kidneyshot/maim
or is it good for the game that we don’t fully homogenize regardless of how far in we are already

i think enhance has a TON of utility and the idea of losing some of it for access to a stun would be kind of disappointing
but it would make enhance significantly more versatile in 3v3 and playable in brackets like 2v2

playing enh in 2v2 felt so horrible i just got my 1800 on it for the set and never logged into it again

Seems like something that’d be best played with another dps, like feral, demo, outlaw, ww, warr, etc.



turbo is a 1 dimensional comp with significantly less lose conditions and more win conditions than other enhance comps

you can look almost anywhere and find an ok enough warrior to play turbo at basically the top of the ladder
i think realistically there’s 3 windwalkers that actively play the game that could play ww/enh at the top of the ladder

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i was hardstuck like 1600 playing enh(doomwinds)/healer but as soon as i got a ww we ascended to the 1800 bracket

But if there were more people in general playing enhancement, I’d bet you would see a lot of other enhance comps between 2k-r1 range. Then there would be more WW and rogue players that knew how to play with enhancement shamans, etc.

Feral is kind of similar if you think about it. It’s not super high pop, most of them are playing jungle. Kittycleave works, whatever you call rogue/feral works, fmp works. You just don’t see them very much because there are more hunters looking to play with ferals and just not a lot of ferals in general.

sort of
the meta is also an issue

jungle and rm take windwalker apart
ww is a REALLY REALLY strong spec with some of the, if not THE highest damage in the game
it just gets absolutely destroyed because blizzard keeps reducing armor values every season unlike every other expansion before SL

if ww didn’t just die to every meta comp and enhance was a significantly more popular spec yeah you’d probably see more wwenhance
but you’d likely see ww/war wwdk and wwdh at that rating much much much more often i’m sure

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This is also a product of ww being nominally balanced around having only one stun once a minute

If it was a spec designed around having stun access more often than once a minute, there would be no question that its current damage is outright broken, and in losing that massive burst ability their value to other specs like war and dh that are balanced around having access to stun and Ms would shrink, and the relative use they get out of the support and damage enhance brings would rise

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