Enh the most broken spec in the game

Enh is currently the #2 spec above 2700 and I can see why. It just does way too much dmg. When are we going to nerf this bull sh**.


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I agree nerf DH

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I mean isn’t it all the same guy though?

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true destroy enh

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Nice joke buddy!

Agree, delete evokers.

And dhs too.

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The Healing Surge buff pushed enhance over the top, I think a 10% nerf to Healing Surge is needed so DH’s can compete on the same level as Enhance again.


delete dh
delete dh again

Enh shaman just has too much in its kit and that’s why it is op. Grounding totem, a super low cd kick wind shear, primordial wave (which should only matter for eles, the dispel protection is insane), storm strike, insane mobility with feral charge, basically a bubble with burrow, a polymorph (7seconds btw), not to mention on demand healing with healing surge. Blizzard needs to decide what enh shaman is, it can’t have a million choices to play the game.

The fact that anyone defends this is blowing my mind. Blizzard devs just don’t care because they are worrying about plunderstorm…

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please nurf enhance

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Just delete it. Put enhance out of its misery.

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In ALLLL my life, ive never heard this lolol. Nerf ENH? Bwahahaha

Nerf enchantment shamans.

Bruh…lol. Go play an enh and see how much better you have to play vs everyone else that’s just smashing their face on the keyboard (dev evoker / dh / lock).

if enhancement doesn’t get nerfed on tuesday the game will be unplayable the rest of the season probably


I’m at 2500 with dev in 1/10 of the games I have on my enh and I’m 400 rating less on my shaman that I’ve mained for years :rofl:

I actually can’t believe we haven’t been nerfed yet. Blizz allowing oppressive specs like bigdam shaman exist is wild, get it together devs :roll_eyes:


I just played an enh and got to 2400 in solo on my first day. Don’t even have some abilities bound.

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No you haven’t.

Yeah I saw that 2400 lobby. Insane how you just destroyed everyone like that. Can’t say i blame you for hiding the char on checkpvp after.