Enh Shammy LF Raiding guild [A]

Hey everyone,
As title suggests I am an enhancement shaman that is looking to get into the raiding scene. Once upon a time when this was still fresh content I cleared it all. My schedule limits me to raiding on any combination from Sun-Tue. Should there be any guilds in need of them WF totems feel free to contact me in game Tuntunak or add me on bnet at defaultchees#1636

Da Krew would be interested in your shaman services. Main raid is Tuesday gruul/mag @830 pm server time. Contact emppalpatine if ya have anymore questions.

Hi Im very interested in having you join my guild :slight_smile: you’d have a perm spot we raid weds/thurs 7-10pm est, i sent you a btag request Joni#1351, also you can feel free to add me on discord Joni#4178