Enh shaman in wpvp

I hope we stay like this for a while

I spent all day straight up bullying the horde at the rez angel by the pvp quest. This is great… and we have been so neglected that ain’t nobody gonna come in here and argue

Oh no poor horse. :frowning:

That’s not nice to bully a horse :racehorse:

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Jesus H. Christ talk about animal cruelty.

What did that poor horse do to you?

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:joy: dam typos Horde. Srry :frowning:

You got me once on my Belf but you were elemental I believe when I fought you unless they gave thunderstorm to enhancement?

Thunderstorm is in class tree

Oh awesome! It’s been a minute since I played last. Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh yes…. Thunderstorm is a class wide skill, not gated behind a spec any more.

That spot was fun for someone like me. Small platform and I can knock ppl off if I’m in danger.

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Well I was really missing my gliders last night I can tell you that, I knew I should have made some more. :rofl:

If you like wpvp, I recommend you hit engineering up. Don’t need to buy gliders and you also have the parachute and nitro boots. Help a lot, along with some cool explosives and what not.

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My Belf is an engineer I just hadn’t made any after using them all up over the weekend.

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