Enh Nerfed with no Compensation

microscopic even

I hate how they call healing our survivability but just kill any potential of it with dampening.

I like taking stormweaver. I want to heal. I think it’s part of our spec identity and it’s fun. in bgb there was no dampening. it feels like you can actually use ur heals to their intended potential and in turn gives us somewhat reliable survivability. They’re introducing a 10% dampening to bgb but a 15% buff to healing surge, so 5% buff net I guess.

In arena healing is a complete afterthought. dampening kills most potential for stormweaver and sacrificing maelstrom for healing instead of damage is almost never worth it. GCDs for earth shield are a burden, we lost AG, healing stream is a joke. I heal less than most specs now.

I’m not saying that dampening is bad but you have to acknowledge that when healing is considered the survivability of a true hybrid spec like enh it disproportionally affects them in a negative way.

That’s why survivability changes for enh need to come from somewhere else. damage reduction, more shields, immunities, idk

And enhance desperately needs updated mobility. It honestly doesn’t have to be much but dks, pallys and other specs have gotten their mobility revamped and I think it’s time for enhance.