Engulf in PvP

I enjoy playing engulf, i prefer it over Scalecommander. However, why is its damage nerfed so heavily in pvp? It requires so many variables to do “big” damage that is seems like Blizzard forgot that factor. The amount of times i get my dots bubbled, turtled, Defensived, dispelled, it really shouldn’t be nerfed since its damage is conditional. On my shadow priest, i see 3million Shadow Spike: Insanitys. Which you can pool and spam out 4 of them in a row and requires nothing other pressing Devouring Plague twice or “Creating” a halo. If you’re investing into Engulf, you should be rewarded when ALL conditions are met, very ridiculous.

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Yeah, I don’t know why it only does 40% in pvp it’s a little much. I get they don’t want it to one shot. So, they should make it do 60% of its damage as a dot over time. This would bring down the burst factor to an extent of course adding another buff would increase its initial damage by 50% because it gets buffed by the amount of dots on the target. You got to put out suggestions there are lots of things that could be fixed with just minor tweaks.

It used to two shot people who did absolutely nothing to stop it, but the execution had to be precise and the window short, it was unlikely to get kills outside maybe some trolling in Wpvp.

Worst of all, it felt clunky to do and that you could have done just as much damage with a regular rotation in the same amount of time. But like OP said, in actual PVP people easily disrupted it, causing it to do inconsequential damage.

I was excited for a fire based dragon spec but the design of it leaves much to be desired.

I think instead of explosion make it more dot heavy over 6 seconds like devouring plague tbh. If their that worried about pvp one shot