The damage is like half of what scalecommander can do. Why does this hero tree lack in all content for Devestation?
- Can we make talents like Ruby embers 1 stack vs 3…? the stacking aspect is very crap for only 9k dmg per stack. Living Flame is not really a part of the roation other than a filler the way yall designed this spec/ Were like 6m health? Am I puting a space heater beside them or am i lighting them aflame?
- Why not bake in sometype of dmg bonus into engulf after using it for x seconds to stop making people want to spam 2 together and rather chain the buff into a damage amp to spice up the roatation? There is very little thoguht about stacking DOT’s currently to use this ability.
Please spice this up…Scalecommander is cool, but I cba doing the same rotation for 3+ years.
For devastation, Flameshaper is a complete failure, it’s one of the worst talent trees out there. It’s weak in concept and not exciting to play.
hopefully they replace underused trees in the next expansion, and this one will go away.
Flameshaper having no rotational interaction with pyre, firestorm, burnout, or literally any red spell that isn’t fire breath kinda feels bad
It’s because you could two-tap someone with Engulf IF (and only if): The healer didn’t dispel your setup that entirely relied upon Fire Breath, the person you had focused 4 Debuffs onto didn’t push a defensive, and you crit both times.
I knew it was going to be nerfed because the instakill potential, but after playing Scalecommander and being able to kite warriors forever after last expansion where there was no escaping the good ones, Flameshaper doesn’t really have anything at all going for it in PvP anymore.
Flameshaper needs a complete redesign. They can’t really buff it without making engulf a tactical nuke or buffing enkindle.
Not to mention the awkward playstyle that only really favors boss fights.
Also visually it’s completely unfinished. Engulf has almost no visual, and the visual it does have is just the pyre particle effects without the fire ball.
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Come back in 11.2.5 where it might be finished so you can enjoy it for 90 days until the next xpac!!
This is very important to us, thank you for letting us know.
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Scalecommander is much better from both a utility and damage perspective
But I have two shotted people as flameshaper and it was a nice dopamine rush