Engineers - I like your boom boom's

You should be able to use your explosives in dungeons, M+ and raids. I feel engineers, and they should not share a cool down with a healing pot or other pots, they should have their own cool down


“i like your boom booms” I’m not sure how to take this.


i agree. this would make the idea of a “tinker” class just silly. (well, sillier.)

tinker class renamed “boom boom” class.
tinker community reaction:


In my language that means :peach:

It’s a cute word for it though.


Many of us who want the Tinker class hate the name Tinker for it. Boom Boom isn’t much worse.

There’s the engineering flamer in the meadery dungeon and stun bombs (affects players too) in the nerubian raid. :robot::bomb:

TBF I already picture the “tinker community” exactly like this.

Meanwhile, me, an Engineer, wishing that engineering things scaled better.


I can already foresee Mr. Torgue inspired names. :crystal_ball::robot:

i wish the bombs actually did enough damage to be worth making.

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Your Anti Tinker post isnt disguised very well.

The problem with eng has always been that if it’s useful then you’d have to take it, so it can’t be useful. :slightly_frowning_face:

Which is too bad, but at the same time a class’s kit shouldn’t come from a profession.

Back in ICC a lot of dps took it for the bombs as an extra dps boost. Then it actually caused a major bug on heroic LK that basically broke the fight. It impacted the world first race and caused a big kerfuffle.

My brain IMMIDIETALY started singing Black Eyed Peas.

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Slaps OP and Lux away from his butt “Excuse you, that is NOT free!”


My mind went to Skindred…

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Boom, boom, boom, boom :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:





I just want you to be able to use the things you make without the requirement of having to be outside… the current system sucks.

Naturally people had to come and derail about Tinkers again, but I guess that was to be expected.

Now you get to make healing bombs that share a cooldown with your own healing pot… so do you help people, or save yourself? Seems like an ethics question when I should be playing a game

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