Engineering Tinkers - Not Discoverable

When leveling Engineering the tinkers are not being discovered at all. Any crafts should allow us to learn these over time as we level but by 525 no tinkers have been learned. Please help!

Oh dam that’s a nasty bug if true. I need muh spinal healing injectors.

Yeah having the same issue after spending ~4k gold. Pretty cool bug.

Thanks for letting us know tho. I’ll wait until (if?) blizz fixes it.

Can confirm after getting 85 in the first 12 hours and maxing my professions (about 30k leveling and post 525) I have not discovered any tinkers. Multiple people whispered me in game saying the same issue with them too. Looks to be a nasty bug.

I had discovered a bunch when leveling engi. A guild mate yesterday had asked if anyone had learned them while leveling it cause he didn’t learn any.

I told him to recraft a bunch of elementium bolts and he started learning them.

Ya I recently got eng to 500 on 3 chars. Got all the tinkers I needed, definitely fixed.

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