Engineering tinkers are so worthless they made an entire tree for using Dragonflights

The War Within tinkers are actually worthless. The one tinker that heals you also takes off 30% of your health, but that is if it doesn’t outright kill you in the first place, which is the only thing that has happened to me since I made it.

What other profession has an opportunity cost so high, that you spend hours of your own time to make and it literally never works?!

The tinker that gives battleground buffs doesn’t last long enough for how fluid battles are. You put it down and you have to wait for a buff, if it isn’t a buff you need you have to still wait, all the while you are required to be in combat to even get it to appear in the first place, so it never works out that you are able to utilize the buffs in a meaningful way.

Ive resorted to just putting it down on the back lines of Ashran and calling it a day because that is all it is good for. The people who get the buff never really need them. Useless.

That brings me to the title of my post. They intentionally designed engineering to be so bad, so completely worthless this expansion, that a legitimate way to use the profession this expansion is to spend knowledge points so you can use the previous expansions engineering.

Forget about the fact that as soon as you hit level 71, nothing you made from DF engineering worked anymore. You couldn’t even use the items, they were immediately made vendor trash.

Engineering this expansion is a waste of time, and so lazy in it’s design and implementation they are literally making the past expansions efforts more worth while than any current content.

Why not just scrap the whole thing? It is terrible.


First time huh?
Hate to tell you this but engineering has been worthless since about…post cata.

Blizzard needs to give them something that actually makes it worth while, i personally say that Engineers should be able to make a tinker that is basically the return of synapse springs but anyone can use it, and it can be “enchanted” onto any pair of gloves.

Welcome to Engineering… awesome toys, but nearly useless gear.

The real kicker is it’s RNG, and you get bottom tier if you manage to get what you want before using up all your scrap.