Engineering Should be a Secondary Profession

Totally disagree that Engineering is a secondary kind of profession, but hey, if it’ll clear up a spot for another profession, I’ll say anything under oath necessary to make that happen, lol

yeah, Ive made a crap ton of gold off engineering and its making that stuff that engineers use to make aother crap. lol. Players just seem to prefer the convenience, which is fine by me, lol

You seem to be ignoring that Engineering is heavily reliant on Mining for mats, and that there are no secondary professions that are reliant on other professions to progress the way Engineering is on Mining.

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What if engineers could make an expensive “license” or “manual” for old xpacs that allowed the character who used it to use certain engie gadgets.

if anything should be secondary it should be inscription.

If it was in terms of reliance on a gathering profession, Tailoring and Enchanting don’t require much from any other profession the same way cooking is (they sometimes might need something for a few crafts but not everything).

You know what SHOULD be secondary professions? Herbalism, and about half the ones that are main professsions and one or two secondary professions need to be primaries… why is archeology secondary? That takes a literal degree and lifetimes of study!

I dunno how they place WHAT and WHERE just seems so arbitrary.

That was not always the case for Enchanting as (like they now are in Classic) they were reliant on Blacksmiths (and a little on Alchemists) to craft their wands.