Engineering Helm traits

Seems like I am stuck with the crit one but anyone else have any tips for this on when to say use the helm over another one?

Also any thoughts on which ones are good for PVP would be great. (Can chime in on pve also lol)

Not to sound like a douche or anything but…are engin helm even worth it? Unless a new recipe came out, all the helms I recall being able to make were worse than any azerite helm.

and now that I say that…dont you want an azerite piece for you head over and engineering item?

unless you speaking for a lower level character

There are some updates and some of the traits are good. Or so they seem :slight_smile: They have step ones 385, 400, 415.

I guess it’s debatable if they are better if you have some of the best ones. Why would you sound like a douche lol.

Well if they go to 415 and have azerite traits, guess that can be ok / good.

Just through they were still max like mid to high 300s.

Due to me not knowing what/if they changed…didnt want to sound like, “noob, you dont even make the engin helms.” :stuck_out_tongue:

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Jumped through hoops to find what shaman spec you play, but it looks like elemental.

If its not elemental, you should really provide your spec.

I haven’t touched my Ele since Legion (just not high enough on my alt priority list) and I’m not up on any of its BfA abilities let alone pvp-ish stuff but I did take a look at 2 guides:

Both seemed to Indicate that Lava Shock and Igneous Potential were top-rank traits and those are present in the same ring on the Mail engineering goggles.

Icy-veins indicates that Lava Shock got nerfed and that Igneous Potential was better now but no idea if that’s up to date.

Haste is also a preferred Pvp stat for Elementals according to both guides and the which makes the second ring RNG trait a good choice. After that I would go with the Absorb trait or Crit trait.

Thanks on the research; though you might have noticed he isn’t engineering. I was asking for my ret alt :slight_smile: