Engineering Goggles

Did the new schematics get added today or not. So far I cannot find them . . .

There are no schematics.
They are trained by the engineer trainer in Thrallmar/Honor Hold.

They weren’t meant to be released today, but Wowhead false flagged it as to be released today.

There were supposed to be added with phase 2, but they don’t appear to be.

Seems like September 15th.

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Shame everyone will blame blizzard for it. Though who can blame anyone when Blizzard doesn’t want to clarify on anything.

Phase 2 is Sep 15th. Do people not look at the dates in the posts?

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WoWhead had posted that some things would be released today which wasn’t clarified by blizzard until recently.

The wow forums have become so toxic and poorly moderated that Blizzard don’t even use it as their primary platform for making content announcements anymore.

They’ve given updates, and we have information on the patch schedule - they just don’t use this cess pool of a forum to do it - who can blame them (as you rightly said)?

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