Energy Regen; Assassination

I feel like Assassination needs a little bit more Energy Regeneration. The Talent Node ‘Dashing Scoundrel’ doesn’t seem to do enough. Maybe I’m playing it wrong? I’ve got over 30% crit and 50% Mastery, but regenerating 1 Energy on every Poison Crit (while using 'Dragon-tempered blades for the extra Lethal Poison) doesn’t seem like enough. Again, may just be me playing Assassination spec wrong, so let me know your thoughts, friends.


Nah, the regen is godawful.

Not much of a problem in AOE, but in ST it’s just terrible.

The fact that it depends so heavily of Thistle Tea to be even be functional (which they made worse with the Auto Tea) goes to show how poorly designed the Energy Regen for this spec is.


I’m a bit relieved it wasn’t just me then. Hopefully Blizzard sees this and starts thinking of a way to balance Assassination.

I can’t quite remember, but wasn’t there a Talent back in the day that restored 5 or so energy every tick from Rupture and Garrote? I feel something more solid like that would give Single-Target Assassination Rogues more stability during Boss Fights, because otherwise we’re pumping damage until our energy reaches 30, and then we’re out of Thistle Tea.

On a similar note, I think the Thistle Tea was a step in the wrong direction for Energy Regen, but that’s just me.

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Sir, Assassination has played this way since Legion if not earlier. The only time the spec has felt smoother has been in the .2 and .3 patches where it either had enough baseline haste from gear or had a bunch of borrowed power effects stacked. The Blizz devs dont care. The Sin rogue theory crafters actually think this is how it should play. No attempts have been made to fix it in the last 7+ years and attempts will likely not be made in the future. Blizz hasnt even bothered to take out the auto tea.

Its still a thing. Venemous Wounds is a Sin talent taken early on. You basically always have it and its the reason energy isnt an issue in aoe. It just doesnt do enough for ST.

Ah, so it is Venemous Wounds! I feel like Blizz should buff it for single-target rogues.

Also, I think Blizz does care. Don’t be so dismissive.

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The irony is hilarious. You are dismissing my facts with this statement.

You realize they’ve nerfed the energy regen from venomous wounds since then right?

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Theyve nerfed it and buffed it at many points throughout the years. What is your point? Cause everytime they changed it the energy regen was still never at a place where Sin felt good to play without a ton of haste.

Regardless, Venemous Wounds is not the thing that needs changing. Thistle Tea needs to be removed, that energy needs to be added baseline (a flat 1.7 per second energy regen increase if not more) and a new talent needs to be implemented to replace Tea that has nothing to do with energy and actually enhances the gameplay.

Ive seen Relentless Strikes mentioned a lot and yes, making that baseline would fix Sin (and Outlaws) energy issues as well because the problems stem from those periods of time in which we need to use builders multiple times outside of CDs. That alone would improve gameplay by allowing you to use a builder immediately after using a finisher (meaning you realistically only need to wait on energy for 1 builder instead of 2)

I agree. Thistle Tea needs to be reworked into something better.


yeah energy regen feels bad, a super duper simple ez fix is to make finishers cost no energy or little to none (10 energy tops). like WW build up chi to spend and it doesnt cause chi + energy to do abilities. its just wild. like if i have full bleeds up, and low energy do i just sit and auto attack?

venomous wounds needs a buff to at least 10 energy and to proc off CT.

either one of those changes would make the class feel so much better.

in pvp its just wild, after your opener and tea is gone, you have no energy regen the auto tea proc is so bad for the game pve/pvp wise. in promotes not pressing buttons so that you have tea for an actual go. its happened so many times where my energy is low and tea procs then i end up in a cc chain and dont even get to max the benefit of the mastery buff, and by time the cc is over, i have more energy so the tea was used for no reason.

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That’s pretty much what I’ve been doing. Every time I’m out of Thistle Tea (which seems to be the main crux of every Rogue Spec), I am forced to just sit back and auto-attack and let my Poisons proc. Dunno if the devs had this in mind for this spec, but it’s not fun to play this way.

I’ve been trying to balance my Haste and Mastery so that my Energy Regen is faster. Right now I’m at: 30% crit, about 2% Haste (working on improving) and 55%+ Mastery. I’m gonna try to bring my Mastery down to no lower than 45% in favor of Haste. Maybe that will at least be a bit better than my little 2% Haste.

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Dunno Outlaw, but Sub doesnt use it at all.

Symbols of Death pretty much covers the Energy Regen, and does it significantly better than Thistle Tea.


but in pvp i cant waste globals and have to do max dammmmmm.

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Relentless strikes baseline passive is what’s missing for Assassination.

It has been used by this spec since Vanilla - till Legion where for some unknown stupid reason devs removed it.

Now its only in the sub tree, while in the past it was inside the Assa tree and then baseline.

The fix for ST energy regen is so simple… Yet we need normal dev with brain.


The Rogue theory craft community worked very hard to have Relentless Strikes baseline for all three specs. It has been a roller coaster ride since that massive mistake of taking away Relentless Strikes from Assassination and Outlaw.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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