Enemy PLAYER nameplates not showing up unless clicked

I swear I’ve tried everything to get my enemy PLAYER nameplates to appear ‘always.’ Every since the new 10.1 patch came out my enemy player nameplates won’t appear unless clicked specifically, I want them always on! All the enemy UNIT nameplates are appearing as intended, but not player specific PLAYER nameplates. I’ve tried disabling all my add-ons, tinkering with interface settings, resetting cvars settings, and even deleting my characters WTF folder. The next step is to reinstall, but I just wanna see if anyone has a solution before I do that. Please don’t reply with, “just shift-V bro.” HELPPP I can’t play pvp without the nameplates :frowning:


same here enemy nameplates not showing

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Yeah I’ve even tried various nameplate add-ons, and it still doesn’t work. Very infuriating.

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Typing the run command while cycling between 20 yards and 60 yards doesn’t fix it for me.

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Name plates no working. Deleted my WTF and interface folders entirely, now I’m dealing with scrambled graphics and audio settings but still broken nameplates.

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In the future, just rename your old folders as backups and relog. The game will recreate those folders so no need to delete. this way you want lose everything.

Restore from recycle bin to get that stuff back

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I’m having this same issue. I hope bliz fixes before the PVP season starts. this is borderline crippling lol

Wat the heck is goin on with the name plates. Name plates are a fairly core part of the ui and combat …

Hellou, I managed to solve my problem using this command:

/run SetCVar(“nameplatePlayerMaxDistance”, 60)

Try disable all addons, execute comand, enable all addons

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disabling addons before running the script seems to have fixed it for me .Thank You !

Using Plater addon seems to have fixed my nameplate problem.