Enemy Pet Health Bars (in PvP) in Plater

No matter what I do, I cannot get pet health bars to go away. I’ve been to the advanced tab in Plater and unchecked “Show Enemy Pets”. The only one I have checked is “Show Enemy Totems”. Is there another option I’m missing? I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling the addon, loading different profiles, etc.

Just modify the cvars directly.

/console nameplateShowEnemyPets 0
/console nameplateShowEnemyGuardians 0
/console nameplateShowEnemyMinions 0
/console nameplateShowEnemyMinus 0

/console nameplateShowFriendlyPets 0
/console nameplateShowFriendlyGuardians 0
/console nameplateShowFriendlyMinions 0
/console nameplateShowFriendlyMinus 0

You can easily confirm their values via the AdvancedInterfaceOptions addon.