Enemy health bar

I can’t find the option to display a number or percentage on enemy health or mana bars. Is there a way to display a number on them?


Same cant find it… y would they not have this?

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No way to display those without an addon.


I use pearl unit frames. I like the health bars and options more, and you can choose target values to display.

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it wasn’t available in vanilla.
and people thought they wanted no changes ;D

there is an addon you can use but its guess work at best because the info wasn’t made available.


These clearly aren’t “noChangers”.

I’m not a noChanger, but I prefer the bar without the numbers.

A lot of the unit frames addons are pretty accurate, enough to peak at it and gauge your progress killing the target, or knowing which ability to use. Pearl has been reliably within 1 hit point for me.

The mob health addons are decently accurate after a kill or two. They can even give a good estimate after a few hits. Nice for letting you plan those killing blows.

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well even though its guess work it has a lot of data farmed. there is an explanation of how it works in the addon descriptions. ±1hp is still not exact numbers “we” are used to seeing on retail. granted you dont need too much accuracy. just enough to know if it will take 1 or 2 more hits.

Yeah, I agree with that. I was simply suggesting unit frames addons for those who can’t live without target health. I believe I used them way back in Vanilla, maybe even pearl because it looks familiar. That was a looonnng time ago though, so things kind of blend together in my memory a bit… lol.

yeah, it is useful. but also it would be a good idea to take the numbers with a bit of salt when dealing with enemy players.

I use Real Mod Health add on. It gives you their real HP on their target window once you have recorded that data by killing a MOB like it.

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Because it’s easy to visually calculate in your head. And what’s the difference if no red bar left = dead vs. the number 0 = dead?

I have the screen captures to prove this statement incorrect. Just so you know.

I use realmobhealth and it records the target’s health after killing it 1 time.

and we dont want changes :smiley: obviously a troll post :slight_smile: as most of the real classic players have decided to display their classic character RATHER tthan a retail character :stuck_out_tongue:


I Should have made a Troll Druid but that also was not available back then~ U.U

oh but yes ;p

thank lawd