Enemy cast bars

There used to be cast bars under the enemy unit frame however, they’re no longer showing up for me. I know there was an option in interface > combat to toggle it but, it’s also not there anymore. Is there a way for me to turn these back on that I’m missing or have they actually been removed?


Target frame:
/run C_CVar.SetCVar("showTargetCastbar", "1", "SHOW_TARGET_CASTBAR")

or for arena enemy frames:

/run C_CVar.SetCVar("showArenaEnemyCastbar", "1")


Unfortunately doesn’t seem to be working, is there any addons that might be blocking it for some reason? I know I don’t have anything in weakauras that’d prevent them from showing up

Might need a reload as the target frame probably didn’t get updated immediately from the setting the CVar.

Yep there we go, fixed it, thanks a bunch!

I found this to be super helpful as well.

Thank you Fizzlemizz!

I’m having this same issue. Can anyone please help…

I tried the above command and even after /reload it did not do anything. Enemy cast bars only display on the nameplate itself, not on the frame of the enemy.

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Same here. Just started for me too

Thank you, this seemed to fix it.

Seems to have fixed it on only 1 toon.

EDIT: Quartz was the issue. On the Add-on’s + Options, go down to “Target” options, and uncheck “Hide Blizzard Cast Bars”.


Do you run Quartz Add-on? if so, go into it’s [ +] Options > Target and uncheck “Hide Blizzard Cast Bars”.


yeah that was actually it. super frustrating it turned itself off without me knowing…

OMG Thank you

Thanks a lot for finding this! Was the same for me, kind of irritating that has that checked by default with an update I assume.

Yeah, I had to have been turned on in the last update they had after 9.0, if I recall the last time I saw an enemy cast bar was just after the 9.0.2 patch day.

If you have quartz…this is the answer you’re looking for.

Thankyou! Fixed this issue for me.

Ah! Thank you! This has been driving me crazy! I agree stupid to be on by default in Quartz

/console ShowTargetCastbar 1
/console ShowVKeyCastbar 1
/console ShowFocusCastbar 1
/console cvar_reset
/console ActionCam off
/console reloadui