Enemies trying to path around bear

Hello, whenever I tank on my bear any bigger enemies try to step around or go back and forth as if there is an odd hitbox collision.
Just standing there, not moving, and they got pant ants.

Havent seen this on any other tank I have and its been going on for quite some time.

Anyone know a fix? Maybe different bear form or toy that can be used?


This has been a thing for many years. I always shuffled and did a little back pedal to keep mobs in front of my bear. I’ve tried different forms and it didn’t seem to make a difference in my experience. After the years of maining druid I find myself back pedaling on other tanks just out of habit now :laughing:.
In a way, I think of it as them trying to flank you, but it can be a bit annoying when you do a bigger pull and the mobs start to surround you. I would try to plant my bear butt in a corner if I was face tanking something.

Blizzard did something years ago that made mobs not like to stand on top of each other when the person with threat is standing still and is a larger character model.

Bear has it happen the most but it does happen with all classes.

Yes, and its annoying, notcing it mostly with larger enemies like the dragons and golems in GB

I know toys dont change the player hit box but one can hope it works! We’ve dealt with this for at least SL when I started playing druid more. And im guessing even before that

It was done in Cata if I remember right. It was that or MoP.

On top of the mob shuffle, there were some other changes that exacerbated the issue. Mobs started moving more when repositioned. The new bear model had a weird hit box.

Bears definitely saw it first. In fact, no one believed it on the beta until the first video showed it. I think it was paladins who started having issues after that.

Anyways, it has been a very long time since that beta, so I could be misremembering it very easily.

Yeah, as a bear you have to do that little wiggle to keep things semi static. One of those things you forget you do until you play another tank and things don’t try to walk behind you.