Enekie and other missing players

Sometimes you just move on.

I came back on a whim.


Quintus was such a great matter-of-fact old head. Always seemed a little grumpy but in an endearing way.

Oh and I almost forget Erium, though I know he irritated a lot of you. But that was the charm.


Zunde moved on to Runescape. Quit WoW permanently, sold off his entire pet collection and such.

Eh, some people are still around. Lives change, people change. Whatever the future may hold it’s still nice we crossed paths. The good times are right there back where we left them. :slight_smile:


Aw. Zunde was an institution.


Enekie’s gone silent for months during end-of-expac lulls before. I wouldn’t worry if it weren’t for multiple simultaneous apocalypses out there. Now, I’m a little worried, I admit. I’m in discord with a few people who aren’t around here anymore–Zenrao, Taalva and Zunde I hear from on the daily.

inb4 I get banned for mentioning objective physical reality as that’s too political


Ah the downside to these kind of threads, you find out things about people you thought seemed pretty chill.

I didn’t plan on being nostalgic and sad today but here we are. I’ve been on the forums for years, back when it was the old forums and the worst fights we had were about whether or not raiding was going to kill RP. Reading & recognising all these names… :pensive:

But, I don’t know, I take heart in the fact that the community still stands, even if we hobble a bit and like to whack each other with our canes every once in a while. I’m fond of our weird little group.

I’ve seen them a few times in-game, fairly recently too (last week, I think; I remember because I tried to throw a fish at them and missed). Don’t know what they’re up to these days, but they’re around.


I do miss Erium


Before people assume the worst, keep in mind this expansion is horrible. Some might have taken a break until pre-patch.


Yeah this is also a point. I’ve taken several breaks during BfA, only came back cos I like alt leveling and the double exp is a sweet ride.

Oh that reminds me, I need to cancel my sub before they charge me again. I don’t think I’ve actually logged in for like a month.


I keep not so secretly hoping they send me one of those “hey you should try out the game for a month for free, we miss you!” things but either posting on the forums blocks that or they don’t do that anymore.


I wish I had kept in touch with Theroy. And Rakaa.

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It’s okay if no one missed me :sob:


Same here.

I was dwarfier and more annoying (read, younger and immature) back then, but it does make me feel good to see your name crop up occasionally.

I got a personal list of people I haven’t seen in forever, and sometimes I miss those times and people and can only wish they’re doing better and hope they understand anything dumb I did whilst knowing them was not meant intentionally.

Some of the people named in the thread are straight-up awful and I hate them.

But yeah some of these “missing” people are just forum-banned. Go hop on Disco and you can find them Around.


nobody’s ever truly gone

just ask sint

hi sint


I honestly dont mind some of the missing peeps.

I dont wish them ill, mind you

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:open_mouth: I had no idea you were Avers, wow! I’m an idiot.

I also hope Enekie is doing well. Quintus and others, too, it’s sad when people drop off :frowning:


I’m in the Wyrmrest Discord at this point. I play on a whim when I find time or effort. I’ve had a lot of real life issues as of late so I kind of float around. Most people I know are still around on the Discord at least.


I miss AAO and I hope Thane is doing okay. I haven’t spoken to any of them in so many years. I got married, quit WoW, moved states, changed jobs, and resigned myself to never playing WoW again until I tried out the middle end-ish part of Legion, started BFA, got divorced due to changes with my mental health, got into therapy, got on a complex cocktail of medicine for my issues, rebounded with someone new (does that count as a rebound? I have no idea how depression hookups work)

I almost became a father twice, and now I’m rebranding my online self completely to stop being a scrub in WoW and Ascend the Shadowlands as far as I am able, hopefully to Glad, but this journey will take me as far up as I’m willing to push myself to. And I hope to be able to chronicle my journey of bettering my play in game on youtube all the way to whatever I am able to push passed.

I guess my point is that life hits hard, and things change. People change, and interests and needs move on. For those absent friends, I say godspeed. They shaped the lives of other people in their various communities, and the effect they had is very real. We may miss them, but the more important thing is that we remember them, always.

Wherever they go, whatever they are doing, I hope they live a great life, and achieve all their goals.