Endless Thirst not working - Druid Venthyr Covenant Conduit


I started off as Night Fae Druid and recently swapped over to Venthyr for my M+ team. (Mentioning this In case the swapping is part of the problem)

My covenant ability Ravenous Frenzy has a conduit called Endless Thirst that is supposed to add 0.5% crit chance per stack of the buff. While the haste buff from the ability itself is tracked and shown on my character sheet, the increased crit chance from the conduit is not.

I have no way of telling if this is a visual bug between the conduit and the character sheet or if it’s actually not giving me the crit chance that it’s supposed to be giving me.

Anyone else having this issue? I’ve tried all specs, restarting the game, etc. to no avail. The bug still is present.

Thanks in advance


Yup . this conduit does not work. any updates?

Necro posting , but still an ongoing bug

Still bugged after this latest reset.

It does not work until NOW

Checked, still bugged and not giving the crit. Very annoying since we just unlocked the second potency slot on Nadjia but dont have a neutral to put in it for druids playing all for specs.


Still a bug with this latest reset. Not a lot of venthyr druid so its probably not being reported much but I would like to have a neutral potency conduit so I can stop wasting charges when I want to off spec, having to change all the potency conduit every time.

ENDLESS THIRST had been buffed in PTR, but not working in PTR, too.

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Still bugged as at today, the day that 9.0.5 went live and supposedly buffed the effect of the conduit. Absolutely mind-boggling.

Can confirm, huge dissapointment. Please fix.

Checked the Druid class discord; After a lot of testing it appears to be a UI bug as they pretty consistently got 15% more crit while the buff was up so it is working, but it took some nice druids doing 1k + test pulls to tell.
They really do need to fix it to update ingame though.

Hello, wanted to bump this because either it’s not working or it’s a tooltip error. I can’t confirm if it’s working or not since for all I know I’m getting lucky crits. It isn’t being reflected in the character panel like Haste is and it doesn’t get reflected on the buff icon either.
