8/8 BWL looking for healers and DPS to fill our Sunday/Monday raid team.
About < Endgame >:
- Culture - We’re a semi-casual community that loves having fun and not stressing. Purple and shiny pixels are cool, but we owe our success to “min/max’ing” fun and putting our team before purples. We expect a willingness to learn, good attendance, and a positive attitude.
- Raids - We have BWL, MC, Ony, and ZG on farm. We have 2-40 man raid teams, and we run ZG about +4x/week. Saturday raid team is guild-only, 8/8 BWL, raids both BWL+MC in one night, and is full. We are currently looking to fill our Sunday/Monday raid teams.
Raid Times:
- Sunday/Monday raid team invites start at 6:30pm invites, pull 7pm server.
- On Sundays we raid MC, and Rag is on farm. We usually kill Ony afterwards.
- On Mondays we raid BWL, and we are 8/8.
- Once we lock down BWL and can make the run fast, we will consolidate BWL + MC into one night.
- ZG times vary throughout the week depending on reset. We typically do ZG with multiple teams on Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday, and sometimes Fridays.
Loot Rules:
- /roll when we have PUG’s. Once we are full with only guild members, we will move to EPGP.
- MS > OS.
- Trade items reserved for the guild, and trade recipes are rolled on only by guild members.
- We do not reserve gear in BWL. We rarely reserve gear.
- Guildies get to /roll 120 in BWL until they win an item. Once a guildy wins an item with /roll 120, that person will thereafter /roll 100 on other items.
What is EPGP? EPGP is a system built around correcting the flaws of DKP while holding up its merits. Once we start using EPGP on our Sunday/Monday runs, any new raider/trial member will receive on joining a 25 GP score.
Needs for Sunday/Monday raid team: DPS and Healers. You don’t need the best gear, just a good attitude and willingness to learn.
We are also encouraging lower-level characters to join and play with us.
For more info you can contact anyone of the following:
- Hito / Hitoe, or Discord: bpetro#0324
- Bacardy / Any char that starts with “Bit” or Discord: “B”#2459
- Sinba, Inside, Vcious in-game only