END War Mode!

The main issue I see with adding a PvP server into retail is that it would further split the already small WPvP player base, especially with some of the suggestions for how a modern PvP server might operate.

If the server is designed with no sharding, no cross realm zones, etc., then you’re just isolating a portion of the player base. Players on that server wouldn’t be able to play with their friends on other servers or interact with the default War Mode population, which would also hurt War Mode participation overall. And realistically, you can’t expect a significant number of players to flock to a new PvP server in today’s game environment, regardless if Blizzard actively fights against faction imbalance.

On the other hand, if you allow sharding, cross-realm zones, and ability to invite players from other servers to this new PvP server, then it defeats the purpose of having a dedicated PvP server. At that point, it’s just War Mode with extra steps and makes the idea redundant.

Instead of creating a PvP server for retail, just focus on improving War Mode. Fix sharding issues, merge the different server battlegrounds together, more WPvP events and incentives, etc.

Honestly I disagree. I think the servers (like if it was one or two pvp servers) would get flooded with players. Obviously like 90% + of the players are dungeon crawlers and like their safe places, but those of us that like to fight… I really believe players would go nuts over the return of a pvp server, but as I said… make it better with sharding to include those with war mode on. but also like change things. World assaults stuff like that to get players out and have fun.

100% they would. Pretty much everyone who enjoys war mode already plus more people and possibly even people from classic. If anyone thinks it wouldn’t be a full server they are kidding themselves

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Yeah man, here’s where I can’t agree with your reasoning. Why would people pay for a server transfer or go through the hassle of creating a new character on a PvP server if it’s just the same thing as War Mode and shares the sharding? It really does just sound like War Mode with extra steps.

The main draw of a PvP server, as I understand it, is the appeal of having a tight-knit, realm specific community where everyone is committed to WPvP. But if you include sharding and cross realm players from War Mode, you lose that sense of a dedicated community. Instead, you’d just be mixing players from different servers, making the “PvP server” no different from what we have now with War Mode.

Another question I have is how the sharding would work for players on a PvP server in regards to players not in War Mode. See, currently how it works is, a War Mode enabled player can only interact with other War Mode players (besides instances and specific city zones.)

How would someone on a PvP server interact with those who aren’t in War Mode? They wouldn’t be able to turn off their PvP status like War Mode players can, which raises concerns about how PvP server players would handle sharding and interact with the rest of the world. Would they simply be isolated from PvE players entirely? That’s a big logistical hurdle to consider.

Really, these are all questions that need to be answered to figure out how a PvP server would realistically work in today’s game. Classic servers don’t have to deal with the same logistical challenges that retail does. They don’t have to worry about cross realm interactions, War Mode toggling, sharding, or the modern design philosophy Blizzard uses for retail. Because of that, implementing a PvP server in retail would require significant work arounds.

At that point, it’s far more practical to improve War Mode itself. Fix the sharding with War Mode so that players aren’t overly dispersed and instead are more congregated, merge server battlegroups / shards, and add more WPvP events.


This is the biggest part of what needs to be done to give life support back to wpvp


I agree, especially the suggestion of adding more wpvp events. Key word event. A couple of world quests a day gets bland quickly.


I think the first thing we need is to spread things like halaa to the zones again


No different than it was in pvp/pve servers, they just are not tagged.

I dont think they will. It could work If they start putting some actual effort into fixing phasing and adding big wpvp events that people can actually have fun with.

They could start by adding permanent objectives to zones again, like Hellfire and Halaa had.


Yeah, we know.

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So, how it worked on PvP servers was that if a PvP player was invited by someone on a PvE server, they would behave as if they were on a PvE server themselves. They’d get the typical 5 minute PvP flag and after that timer expired, they’d be unflagged. Conversely, if a PvE player joined someone on a PvP server, they’d be force flagged for PvP as if they were on that server.

This goes back to what I mentioned earlier—players were already opting out of PvP servers during MoP and onwards by using this workaround. Blizzard just streamlined what players were already doing when they introduced War Mode, giving them a more straightforward way to choose whether or not they wanted to engage in WPvP.

If your idea of a PvP server is “no different than it was in pvp/pve servers,” then what’s the point of having one if players can still opt out of it by being invited by someone not in War Mode? Bringing back PvP servers with this same opt-out functionality would just reintroduce the exact same behavior that Blizzard aimed to simplify by implementing War Mode.

Reverting to the old system would essentially give War Mode players yet another way to avoid WPvP entirely by being invited by a non War Mode player. War Mode doesn’t need more outs than it already has; what it needs is refinement—fixing sharding, improving incentives, and making more WPvP events (as others have said, something more than just the PvP quests and weekly.)

If they were to add Halaa like events, they’d need to be very strict on the sharding to ensure it isn’t a lopsided battle where there’s more Horde or more Alliance and lock the shards while an event was ongoing.

Not an event, just permanently there at all times.

That would be a bit easy in doing something like;
Opt into warmode and then choose a shard, have however many shards and track to see if a faction is “full” or not if full can’t join that one and only new shards open up as more people opt in.

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War mode killed emerald dream

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I think the opposite, that warmode off, should not exist, because in war mode you interac a lot more with the other players, that is the hearth of a game online, if you are gona play alone agains the npc , you dont need a online game.

i understand many people fear warmode becouse they can be killed in any momment.

but that is exitement.

and also you lear to use you pj better, becouse you have to figth whit real people who is as smart like you , and no whit creeps only. if you really want to enjoy the game 100% you must to do pvp. becouse if you only do pve, you are palying the 50% of the game.

I don’t sleep in pjs though. I’m stark naked!

Exactly, would be very fun.


I’m sure it took you all of an hour with that fine response…… stay on topic.

I stayed on topic but didn’t get any response to what I said :thinking:

Are you just ignoring the logic here or whats going on:

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Everything you suggest leads to a completely empty dead game, the long term end result is you sit in a raid in a city AFK waiting for people to bully and gank.

Go play ashes of creation when it comes out, the game will be dead in 3 months because it’s doing a lot of what you want.

Turn on war mode and fight people fairly. Stop trying to turn this game into a horrible pvp raid group bullying landscape, where all u enjoy is laughing at people who just want to use an auction house.

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ED was dying off before war mode anyway. Especially once a lot of the gutter trash from Bleeding Hollow transferred there.

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They had pve servers with pvp servers, where you were very safe and could do what you wanted. If you choose a pvp server and expected to be safe, thats on you. You could still transfer characters back then if there was an issue as well. Saying it will kill the game is laughable. Plus, if you were not in a contested zone, you were not flagged. Also there are a ton of AH locations in the game…

(dang thing keeps changing my characters… sorry)