End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Look I still don’t see how solo players getting good gear hurts anyone. The only way it might “hurt” someone is by diminishing the egos of those who like to mythic raid. Big whoop, people enjoy different things and should be able to get gear in different way.

Mythic raiding should be about the prestige of overcoming the challenge, not the gear you get from it. If it’s only about the gear then people aren’t raiding because they want to, they are raiding because they want the gear.

So again I see no harm in offering end game gearing alternatives. And no “elitist” logic will change my perspective on that matter.


Remove all gear from the game then, it’s no longer a chore for anyone, and people can just enjoy the game. Solo play can be the joy you get from owning quest mobs or whatever, not the gear you get from it.
Just take the gear grind (not fun part) out. Everyone’s happy.

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I don’t get this also.

Gear power means so little. We toss it away so much, and keep rebuilding. Acting like it matters is so silly. Giving players that same goal to reach as raiders is not that big of a deal. It would make the game better for soloers giving them a carrot to chase. It is a win for everyone.

It is really annoying that a dying content aka raiding is holding the game back.


If this game ever becomes FF14 I’m out. If people want to play FF14 then they need to be in THAT game. If players want more power from soloing, then they need to play Diablo 4 when it comes out or stick to single player/multiplayer games. MMO endgame is group content. Period.

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Diablo 4, the next wow killer?

How does it detract from your experience that gear you constantly replace isn’t the best from soloing? (and if it is the best, it’s not attainable for most.)

You must be new to MMOs if you think that. Sorry, but that is not true at all.

Yet other mmos aren’t doing better. FF is the closest competition and that’s not even a threat.

Numbers please.

Also you think only casuals like flying?

Also I’m a casual yet I still raid mythic.

I’m sorry it’s hard for you to understand but raiding pvp and mythic plus are the focus of endgame

You don’t speak for all casual players. I’m a casual player and I still play the game as it’s designed.

The only people unhappy are bad and solo players.


End of content is more of an issue than “not the best” gear. Solo play runs out of “content” too quickly. Even if it awarded mythic gear, people will cap out on gear and be bored just the same.

Will WOW become a better game if they just deleted raiding and PVP and dungeons? Much doubt.

Because it gives me a carrot to chase. A rpg is fun gaining power, and watching your char grow each expansion.

The problem with mmo setting is that said power keeps resetting based off new content. It is always scaling. So having people who enjoy all types of content catch up with each other before new content comes out should matter.

Power should not be the reason people do raiding or dungeons, because once that next content patch comes everything they done has been devalued. So if something that is so easily thrown away each patch happens. Why not let soloers enjoy it for a brief time before the next phase happens?

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That is because you hit a wall way too easy. Reason part of me misses titan forge. As I could easily get an upgrade based off content I enjoy.


Even if mobs dropped better and better gear, people still run out of stuff to do. There is a cap to how strong gear is.

gear resets are good because it lets people play with their friends. Needing to carry people in current content so they can be relevant sucks.

Not even a threat? I spit out my coffee laughing. Thank you.

Belluar? whatever his name did a video on it. :slight_smile:

And again if you think that is all that matters in a mmo. You are wrong.

[q uote=“Snozay-thrall, post:5597, topic:1181215”]
You don’t speak for all casual players. I’m a casual player and I still play the game as it’s designed.

The only people unhappy are bad and solo players.

I do not, but if you think Shadowland was a success. Well FF14 server issues thanks you for your time I think they just added like 5 new servers and packed up quickly.

This would not have happen if it was not failures of Blizzard and how out of touch they are. :slight_smile:


So the measure of MMO success is how bad the hardware is. Gotcha.

Darling, I’ve been playing MMOs since 2004. SWG was my very first game and I’ve seen them all come and go. Hate to break it to you, but WOW survived them all because of the fact it stayed true to that formula. Make it a solo player focused MMO and you get the disaster that was SWTOR. $250 million down the drain and went FTP within 6 months because they ignored the endgame…It is now in maintenance mode and EA will soon lose the license. Secret World was another MMO that went the solo route and it’s dead. Sorry, but what I said is true no matter what your feelings tell you. I’ve got dead games backing my side up.

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No it is how many players ddos it playing. Keep up.

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Why bring up server issues as if it was a plus then?

WOW shadowlands sucks because FF14 has server issues. Does not compute.

Sweetie wow became huge because it cater to Solo and casual players.

Always has. It came out during a time when you needed groups just to level up. During Everquest days where people spent hours asking for camp checks because soloing was not good.

MMORPGS based off Mud games that it came from. It had nothing to do with grouping but a virtual world. Ultima Online, and such.

Wow has always been the most casual MMO, and it got big because of how friendly it was to soloers. If it turns it back on the people who help make it big. They will find out.

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They had so many people playing the game that they could not keep up with the demand. That happen because of Blizzard failures.