End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I feel like people who play this game are way too concerned with how others play the game / enjoy themselves on wow. Just play your game, why does it matter what anyone else does. I feel the same way about caring about boosts. The only reason why I care about people buying boosts in any way is because it puts gold in my pocket.

If u like m+ do M+, if u like solo content do solo content. Azeroth is a big world, yo.


Well said!

Slow down and think.

Massive: large in comparison to what is typical

Multiplayer: denoting or relating to a video game designed for or involving several players

Online: controlled by or connected to another computer or to a network

RPG: Role Playing Game

Anywhere in any of that does it dictate or even imply Cooperative play…Answer is no. PvP is a perfect example of this… You interact with another player and it’s by no means cooperative. Group play is one aspect of an MMO its not the required playstyle.

This is pretty much like saying people should leave the RL planet if they don’t like hanging out in clubs…


Sounds like wow is not for you.

Sounds like language comprehension is not for you.


Its a MMO meaning you are going to have to interact with other people and do co-operative content.
If you dont wanna do that, wow is not for you and probably should find another game to be happy.

People not getting one achievement doesn’t mean they didn’t like it. Time ran out on me for the achievement, but I’m still doing Visions for things that never dropped. It was solid content.

…which ONLY means that there are a large number of players online simultaneously.

Nowhere does it suggest that grouping is or should be required.

Interact with, possibly. Do content with, not necessarily.


Every other MMO in history would disagree with you, MMO implies that you have to interact with others, thats the entire point of MMO.
Its not a massive other people online role playing game. Its massive multi player, meaningin you play with other people.

If you wanna not play with other people go find another game, this has been how wow has operated for years and why it was popular among other reasons.

Emphasis on history there, chief.


It does no such thing; that is just your interpretation.

ALL it implies is that you will be online with many others simultaneously. NOWHERE does it imply that you must group with them. That is entirely optional.


Stuck in the box.

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Even currently running MMOs put an emphasis on needing to do co-operative content.
rune scape
Its the nature of the type of game, you have to play with others.

It does just because you dont wanna accept that does not make it not true. MMOs are about playing with other poeple, all end game content in them revolve around grouping up and doing things.
Dungeons, raids, battle ground, scenarios(When they existed) M+ all major content of a game is about groups of people.
You can try and ignore this and pretend its not the case, but it is.

WoW, and MMOs are about operating and doing co-operative content. If you dont like it, go play another game.

Sounds wow is not for you friend.

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There were a number of solo scenarios, if I remember correctly.

In any case, there are a fair number of folks who don’t do dungeons, raids, and PvP.

Those people play MMOs for other reasons. Just because you may not understand this does not make it untrue.

We all have our play styles, not everyone is going to agree. Your opinion is noted.


Most of the content in RuneScape is entirely soloable and a major focus of endgame content is solo-oriented.

Has group content but also a wealth of interesting solo content in juxtaposition to its trials and raids. You can also get the next to best gear in the game without doing those trials or raids.


Then find another game, or learn to be social.
MMOs are about working with others. I fully understand it, and i understand you are wrong.
If you wanna log in and just sit in SW all day then go forth and do that. But tahts not most people. Most people play wow and are fine with doing co-operative content as that is the core of wow. That is what drove wow from day one, was dungeons, raids, battle ground things that requiered you to group up, because the entire point is that one character can not do everything.

Yes we all have play styles, and if wow does not fit your play style go find a game that does fit your play style and stop trying to change it to fit yours and some small minority of players.

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Funny part about telling people to “Find another game” or that “WoW is not for you” is that Blizzard does not support your view… Blizz is actively trying to improve their game for solo players they just fail at it…hard.


“Blizzards trying to improve their game for solo but they fail.”
You know, did you ever stop to think that if they constantly fail at it, its not that they are failing but the people they are making it for are so slim and few and far between that its not successful because not enough people care about it?

Blizzard fails at it because it goes against the core of the game the entire point of MMO’s is to work together not sit around and doing nothing.

At some point you need to stop, look at it, and realize its not blizzard thats failing, is that the players they are making it for dont exist in any meaninful number. the rest of us are playing the game with others fine.

If you dont like it, leave.

Why are you arguing this so hard? Does it really offend you that much if people want more solo content in wow? It doesn’t affect the content you like to do.


The endless complaints on the forums do.

I have to question how, since I did it on like 4 toons, some I didn’t even start playing until late in the patch.