End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Sheesh I hope not, that would be quite alarming if people thought their opinions couldn’t be offensive.

Still trash talking like omg move on.

The only world quests added or updated in Season 4 are the ones requiring you to defeat 3 Fated raid bosses.

The point is that WoW devs are desperate to get raiding metrics up by pushing casual and solo players into LFR, rather than that devs simply didn’t have the resources to update open world content.

Can I introduce a new concept to you? Games can have casual content. And even casual content like daily quests requires some level of effort or commitment to get anywhere in an MMO.

The more difficult solo content such as Torghast and the timewalking Mage Tower doesn’t offer power progression, so the game devs seem reluctant to put gear rewards behind any solo content no matter how challenging it is.

As soon as I use a strawman, feel free to point it out. (I’m curious as to what you actually think it means.)

I know you think I’m an idiot. But I hope you realize some day that this is just a defense mechanism happening inside your brain, as part of a superiority/inferiority complex.

Some features like Emblems evolved into Justice and Valor, until removed in WoD.

Some features like world quests were continued for a couple of expansions, but nerfed in SL.

The point is that the game needs to evolve in favor of solo-oriented gameplay, rather than against it.

WoD and SL were two expacs where we saw good systems nerfed and removed, and it’s no coincidence that these two expansions saw WoW sub numbers drop to new lows.

Sub-Normal iLvl is fine if there is not a heavy grind behind it or if it is for doing easy content like Heroic dungeons. But there needs to be something to work for higher than that if you expect casual and solo players to stay subbed throughout each patch cycle.

You can be qualified to do content but still choose not to do it.

And by the way, what you said may come off as offensive to minimum wage workers, many of whom work harder than office workers who make far more money than they do.

It sounds like you are elitist not just in regards to game design, but also in your real life as well.

If it isn’t your issue and you don’t care, then stop arguing against progression options for solo players as if they hurt your ego in some way.

Achievement trackers prove that far more people do LFR than Normal+ raiding, and far more people do unrated PvP than rated PvP, for example.

The stats are dynamic, but nothing I have seen suggests that the majority of players prefer to play in pre-organized groups.

Let me remind you of the recent controversies surrounding the slime cat mount being unavailable in LFR, and RDF being removed from Wrath Classic.

On the contrary, if you have any data suggesting that solo players are a minority, please do share.

Again season 4 is/was never seen as a real season.
Means only one side of the community has gotten anything and it is all a big experiment.

Open world didn’t change because it wasn’t needed.
Those players that don’t like group content were free to leave until the next big patch/expansion

How exactly does that not answer the question you posed?

“Are you saying…?”
“I didn’t say that.”

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Because I asked for clarification, in other words I asked the intent behind the statement. As I asked here.

Horrific Visions dropped near-Mythic iLvl gear, but Torghast dropped no gear.

Open world events stopped being a source of Conquest gear.

BfA emissaries regularly awarded Normal iLvl gear, but SL callings do not.

During the last patch of BfA, a solo player could obtain a full set of Heroic+ iLvl gear (460+), but in the first patch of SL, solo players were hard-locked below Normal (up to 197 from covenant sets, up to 194 from world quests, 187/194 from LFR, and up to 197 from unrated PvP).

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Really? They’ve pushing raiding, I know. They’ve pushed mythics and dungeons? Of course, have they pushed PVP? Somewhat… they also added content that people can do on their own… but when they make stuff, they have majority in mind… the majority does the content… you are a small minority who doesn’t want to do any content with others. That’s on you… and only you.

WOW has casual content… I don’t know where you are getting this idea that I believe other wise. Nothing wrong with being a casual… but you aren’t a casual… you are one of those people who doesn’t want to do anything… most casual do multiple forms of content. Know the difference.

Well you should know what it is first…

No, I think you’re an idiot because it’s the way you act and carry yourself… my defense isn’t up. No need for it.

There is… higher content, either do it or get over yourself and stay where you are.

Maybe I should have been clear, I don’t care what you want… you want handouts, I’m not going off of that, people like you tear down entire communities until a game is completely ruined.

You were the first to make the claim about being in mass, you sound like the average christian… “you can’t prove my claim isn’t real!”

Thank you.

No, you were trying to put words in her mouth, trying (rather desperately, it seemed) for a gotcha moment. I’m sorry you didn’t get it.

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Not at all, I asked for clarification and they refused to answer.

I was not putting words anywhere. I asked for clarification of INTENT. You can say one thing, and mean something completely different based on how its said, when its said, etc.

This is impossible to pick up 100% on text so I have a habit of asking for clarification which they failed to provide, which just shows they meant it negatively and didn’t want to out themselves.

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No, it just shows they refused to indulge your trolling.

The absence of a response doesn’t imply a positive or negative response.

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Fair enough, but I wasn’t trolling. I was asking a legitimate question that they refused to clarify on after the fact.

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I wish you would stop being abusive to other posters. -.- Why do verbally abusive people keep clogging up these threads.

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Your feelings hurt because I don’t agree with your stance? You’ll be alright bud.

I think the dying population of raiders is proof of that

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No they arent hurt.

You calling people idiots is very annoying.

Stop doing that and focus on something you actually like instead of bringing your negativity here.

We are not your target dummies to be insultig. Get a grip.

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Lol, it’s the end of an expansion and we haven’t gotten a new raid, only got it rehashed at a higher ilvl… so, wanna try that again?

He called himself it first, I only agreed. Try again and your comment says otherwise.

Every patch had record low numbers

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Provide those numbers.

You’re a big girl you can google them yourself.

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