End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Ouch, even I have mad world, yet he is getting on my back for calling things like Torghast out. Maybe I am brining things like Torghast up, as they are supposed to be the successors of visions.

Maybe I just want vision level of difficulty, scalable through things like masks, with appropriate rewards for the work I put into such.

It’s not content. It’s a tedious boring zero skill minigame that gives cosmetics.

bUt In BeTa

Beta doesn’t matter.

And normal players are already forced to do rubbish solo content, it’s understandable that normal people who play for fun don’t want to do more chores. But we were forced to do choreghast anyhow and we were forced to do zenith choretis, and arguably chorethia.

Then you are one of the few very rare solo players

You are legit the first player I have seen to admit to not needing higher ilvl gear.

All I have to say to this is: it is not content to you, but it is to me and others, which one of us is right, or are you so narcissistic to think that you speak for all players who do group content?

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

I think world quests and solo play gives loot that is disproportionately high for it’s difficulty level and I think solo players are out of line for demanding heroic and mythic raid loot from world quests.

I don’t do world quests unless I have to because I don’t believe they’re real content.

Horific Visions.

470 gear.

5 masks.


Clear enough ?

World quests are recycled leveling quests. Chores. They are not content.

It’s awfully

to think that you deserve heroic raid rewards or better for something that can be completed on accident.

and what Torghast was supposed to be the successor to

Come back when you are brave enough to show your profile, mine is open, and people can see I have Mad World.

Until then, you have more or less proven that, to you (to paraphrase a song from a disney movie): you think the only players, are the player that think and play like you

Everyone, stop what you’re doing and listen to me. This is important.

I want to do Archaeology.


That was just rubbish chores I did to get my cloak leveled and to help my guildmates. I don’t do antisocial “content” unless it’s required for other things. I’m a normal player, not a solo player.

100% you don’t have Mad World, lmao.

You do realize you can easily search him right?


Just make a hub where player wish to group can regardless of requirements.

Of course he doesn’t, yet he is arguing that such is not “content” but “chores”, and they might indeed be for him, but personally, I found visions, and the masks, fun,

His entire thing is the only “normal” players are the ones that play and think like him. When, in truth, things like Torghast can provide things that everyone will run it to get, like legos, but for those who desire to, they can push farther in, and get rewards from such, while ones like him are raiding or running M+. While those players that do both, can find their fun no matter what content they do,

Quite often, arguments against ones like him boil down to a form of “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.

I mean, as far as fun in world content, maybe some can start timing themselves to get it all done, and aim for it to be done faster each time. This could even be baked into the game by providing a timer from pick-up and ends on completion, the faster it gets done, the better the rewards.

I don’t know what that is. Grats on doing antisocial content I guess?

I do content with other people.

Search function on the wow site is hard.

PS: I can’t be bothered to do KSM right now.

Anyhow, I already provided the best solution to your problem.

Give people like pick me type solo heroes what they want and tune their beloved world quests to be as harder than mythic level raids and give mythic raid level rewards. You get your reward and the ability to show the world how skilled you are.

And the unskilled solos can just have crafted gear, greens, and do old content from previous expansions all day.

And people like me can do my group content and not feel obligated to do things I don’t enjoy.

Everybody wins.

Can someone educate me on how to ignore people who have their profiles hidden, as I think I might need such now.

Why ignore me? I’m just trying to help you get the best equipment in the game from your beloved world quests.

You mean the gear I get from M+ and raiding?, you mean the gear I get from group content?

According to some, I am not a solo player, because I do group content, all that your suggestion would do for ones like me, is push us into solely group content, which would get old fast.

Can’t see how rewarding that with heroic level loot is reasonable. Maybe end boss normal level.


I am willing to fudge a bit on it, I just set the bar high as an old “horse trading” method, You always go for more then what you actually want so when the negotiations come, you have a better chance of getting what you wanted, especially if your first offer or desire is something that is not even remotely possible.

Like I might want end boss normal as the cap, but if I started there, someone might counter with LFR end boss, and the compromise would be normal non-end boss, by starting at heroic, I might be able to better land the normal end boss ilvl.