End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

fleshcraft on my mage. And on Argus fleshcraft is really useful as a mage.

Soulshape is good for avoiding fall damage and just speeding through the dungeon and not dying on slow classes for stuff like mythic kj. Like on warlock.

If you’re short on damage, sure. but in DF, we won’t be short on damage.

Blizzard has a habit of repeating their “experiments”, even the ones that are poorly received by their playerbase, so future expacs might see seasons again where no world content updates are provided.

And why would they release content in this state, intentionally excluding the large demographic of solo and world players, if they didn’t think this was the game direction they want to move in, and if they didn’t want to see how it would pan out?

In other words: Why would you test out the success of something if that something wasn’t that you wanted to do in the first place and wanted to know how viable it was as an option? The data is only useful in showing the success of what you have tested.

It seems that the real experiment was to see how many solo/casual subs they would lose, or how many solo/casual players they could get to do LFR to get the metrics up for group instanced content including LFR.

Ultimately, Season 4 is the reality that the game devs brought about for millions of players in the live game, experiment or not, so we can’t act like it exists in this separate theoretical version of WoW.

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Yes true but I have to literally relevel and wait for prepatch to finish. Then wait for the raid to be released for any decent ilvl. Prepatch lul nerfs solo content sadly.

We get evokers maybe. But you get a wonky class that feels bad until the next lvl cap.

And you can’t even test soloing old stuff in the beta. So I am sure they will be harder to solo since soloing is clearly not a priority.

Even as a fresh capped 70, we won’t be short on damage. My evoker on beta (who isn’t even at normal dungeon ilvl yet), has 2x the int of my S4 mythic geared boomkin.

In dragonflight I will be more concerned about soloing bfa raids. I am more concerned of the lack of solo options. But depending on if we get a creation catalast like sytem. Idk if I will be doing multiple runs on dungeons for alts and tier set collecting. Or just maybe one toon on ksm. And the rest whatever botched solo path they make.

But as of s4 clearly they dont really care about solo players getting decent ilvl anymore.

So its more so we are forced to do group content for soloing purposes sadly.

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Well, I wouldn’t expect BFA mythic raids to be easy to solo until 10.2. They will probably be possible before, but not easy.

If people are soloing the raid finders now then they should be doable.

Especially with the damage buff from 2 expansions ago.

Finally going to be able to get blood beasts on my hunter.

It’s a cheap and easy way to give folks a little something different instead of the usual nothing for months.


Nobody’s denying it exists. We’re just not going full tinfoil hat with ridiculous theories on how Blizz hates half their customers. If we’d still been in S3 there’s still be people unsubbing and complaining because they hit the solo season.

Season 4 has been incredibly successful by every viewable metric. You aren’t the player base. You speak only for yourself.


Again, I’m going to ask you to provide your source for this claim but I know I’m going to get a “trust me bro.”

I don’t get this how are you saying this. You are already doing 15s. Literally getting the most gear already just doing group content.

Solo content generally takes longer to get loot when its decent and group content has way more opportunities at loot. Solo content has given heroic gear at best. And mythic 15s gives like superior then raid loot but inferior to mythic raid loot. 15s gear is basically bis compared to anything people get from solo by a large margin.


The numerical rescaling of one zone would have been much cheaper and easier than modernizing old dungeons and revamping three entire raids and loot tables.

For example: Scale up the enemy health and damage and gear rewards of MoP Timeless Isle and put in Zidormi so that people can opt out if they want the non-Fated Timeless Isle. Ordos would be the Fated world boss.

Higher completion rates of KSM, for example, does not mean that subs have gone up. It could just mean that content is tuned to be easier for a shorter season.

We know that devs are desperate to get metrics up for group instanced content, and devs were obviously willing to kill solo, casual, and open world gearing in Season 4 to get participation rates up.

The devs’ definition of success for Season 4 does not necessarily equate to the game’s health as an MMO, when they seem to be more concerned about token sales than sub numbers.

I’m going to have to ask you to think logically. Don’t trust me, look at the game’s systems.

If WoW devs were trying to appeal to the solo and casual playerbase and keep them subbed, then why would they release Season 4 without a single update to their content?

Even LFR is an upgrade for these players. If the overlords at Activision were threatening to cancel raiding because not enough players are doing it (considering the investment), wouldn’t raiding-focused devs try to force as many players as possible into raiding to get those metrics up?

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Not only at max level, but also while leveling. WoW would never have gotten this huge without all the solo players. Now the retail war on solo players has been extended to Classic with the removal of automated dungeon matchmaking. Are Cata and MoP Classic not going to have random dungeons while leveling or LFR? Solo WoW players were a thing for years, but now that we can’t even get the past back without changes we literally have nowhere to go but other games.


Candy Crush isn’t even remotely comparable to WOW. Comparing an MMO and it’s mechanics to a cash-grab mobile puzzle game, one doesn’t need serious content
 the MMO does and then it goes back to what I said before, gimping yourself and not wanting to do the content is no ones problem but your own.

It is
 and it’s there for you to be done.

Open world content is all you’ve brought up though, where is the other 75% that you speak of? The game has always been built around raids and dungeons, or group content. You come into a game and want them to change THEIR formula to meet your wants.

If we’re being honest with one another, what content is there beyond PVP, raiding, open world stuff and dungeons? RP? You are creating your own problem.

Based on what they said, they were experimenting with doing that modernizing for future use. That money was already getting spent and they just used live servers to test it.

Doing additional world content updates would have been extra money to spend, and they already know how to bump WQ rewards are mob health up, as well as how people will respond to it. No experiment needed.

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Where in that name does it say grouping, raiding or pvping. Infact the word massive would mean more then 5 to 20 people. That is closer to a small group of multiplayer online.

The name means simply. Massive amounts of people playing the game at the same time on the same server.


The point is that people saying “you shouldn’t get gear rewards for not doing any content” have a very limited definition of content that wouldn’t apply anywhere in the gaming industry except for WoW’s most elitist hardcore circles.

World quests and daily quests, for example, are max-level content. And they do take time and effort to do, or else the hardcores wouldn’t cry bloody murder about being forced to do them.

Max-level content needs to provide power progression or hardly anyone will be doing it.

And by the way, you really can’t do the highest levels of Torghast without gear from other sources, so it’s not quite there just to be done by solo players. It was tuned more as companion content for hardcore players.

Open world content is all that I have brought up because that is all we seem to have outside of the three pillars, moving forward.

Ideally, there would be some soloable instanced gameplay content such as Torghast, Horrific Visions, or Island Expeditions that provides the modicum of gear progression that it requires, but Dragonflight will apparently have no such features.

And by the way, max-level gameplay-related content such as Torghast that requires gear—but refuses to provide gear because the content scales to solo players—is an illogical formula that doesn’t work, so of course it makes sense to criticize it. Torghast as we got it was both a byproduct and casualty of the war on solo gameplay.

As mentioned above, I would like for there to be some gameplay-related feature such as Torghast that awards the gear that it requires.

But with Torghast and other features, Blizzard always creates problems because it forces group content players to do expansion features for secondary power, instead of offering an alternate gear progression route for solo players.

Good point. They already know how to scale up world content, and they probably already known that all the solo and casual players will flock to it for upgrades.

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When did I ever state you shouldn’t get gear? I’m saying, “you shouldn’t be receiving the level of gear they provide.” If you refuse to do the content that’s your decision, you don’t deserve that level of gear
 accept the gear you are able to get within your own parameters.

Power progression is there, but it’s in the content you refuse to do
 that is YOUR PROBLEM. No one elses

Torghast isn’t about gear and never was
 goes back to you refusing to do any higher end content and expecting to get that level of gear. This is 100% your issue.

It’s an MMO made for communication and grouping, if you want to go against the grain that’s on YOU and no one else. If someone spends hours on hard content to obtain gear
 why should someone who is going through AFK EASY content get the same gear? You get the gear you apply effort to get. Minimal effort, minimal reward
 everyone wants a participation trophy.

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You keep making this claim, at times directly; at other inferentially. I want to see it. Then I want to see that subs are down for your specific issue.

Anecdotally, you know what I hear frequently? I hear that WoW lost it’s soul. Between the addition of things like CRZ, LFG, LFR; the game lost it’s sense of community. I agree with this. I think that in an effort to make WoW accessible to bad players (an incredibly small minority of players on the whole) people who lack the basic fundamentals of MMO gameplay-Blizzard made the game worse over the years in a lot of ways regarding community interactions.

There is absolutely zero need to further cause damage to the game for bad players who choose to play solo in an MMO due to their lack of effort or intolerance to difficulty or social interaction within WoW.

An actual viewable metric is that the moment these systems began appearing in game is the moment WoW subs started to crater. It was due to catering to your brand of player. The type who really dislike MMOs, and want to label those of us that do with silly names such as elitists.

No. We just play the game in a way that makes sense for the rewards we want.

Source please

No, you’re asking me to accept an argument based in emotion as logical and I’m not going to do that. You are making a lot of claims. You word things just so and provide just enough numbers to appear almost credible, but you’re not presenting anything other than a very well thought out “trust me bro” for an argument.

Source please. I want to see where this has happened.

Also, the entire premise that this thread is based upon is absurd. There is no “war on solo players.” There’s WoW, and then there are a small handful of players who want the best gear without doing the content that awards it.

Imagine blasting Fromsoftware because Elden Ring doesn’t have guns and cars, but because you paid for the game you should be able to demand the existence of these things that make absolutely no sense being in Elden Ring.

That is what you’re doing. Glomming on to catch up systems for alts and returning players and living within a lobby style match making game via LFG/LFR means that you are playing the game the wrong way if gear acquisition is your goal.

WoW has been cheapened enough over the years in the name of accommodation of players who don’t like MMOs. It needs to stop.