End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

If you have to get rid of a raid difficulty, I think the best way to do that would be to cut LFR, and make normal slightly easier to compensate.

Dungeons would be a little harder, because currently it’s leveling, max level queued, endgame, endgame with exponential scaling.

or make LFR just story mode, no rewards, no achievments, nothing but story and possibly a cosmetic set/quest completion. The gear from that is outdone by world content anyway, so why have it as anything but story?

Only change I would make to dungeons is get rid of max level normals, like SD, ToP, SoA, etc are more or less.

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This is a wild assumption, which means it has no value to me. :slight_smile:

Hot take?!!? Who order a hot take!?!

I’m gonna be honest I think for dungeons Heroic has to go. After the expansion launches and people progress through Normal to Mythic 0, Heroic just becomes absolutely pointless for pretty much the remainder of the expansion.

As for Raids, I’m gonna be honest I think LFR should go.

I say LFR because I don’t think it gives players a quality experience. It just overall seems…boring. I think they should reallocate the kind of players that don’t really want to try (which isn’t a shot that’s their perrogative) to content like the open world and actually make well written stories that players can attach to.

Make Normal Raids a bit easier and queueable so the Queue crowd have a raid difficulty, have Heroic be for more of the Average Raiding guilds/groups and have Mythic for the hardcore crowd. But also they need to tone TF down with Mythic. The fact that you need Weakauras just to know what the heck is going on on some of those fights is too much imo.

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you guys have absolutely no clue how the majority of people play this game, and who spends the most money in the shop. WoW would die without solo/casual/collector players. realms would be empty, revenue would plummet, and they’d cease further development. Blizz knows this, otherwise they wouldn’t invest so much in making sure most of the game is soloable.


So, if you do that, you haven’t really gotten rid of LFR. You’ve renamed LFR to Normal, and removed the old normal. If content is queueable in this game, you have to be able to take n random players that make a valid comp, and they need to have a reasonable chance at success. Therefore: it has to be really easy.

Do you have a source for this playstyle being the majority of players?

True, but the issue some have is they think if it is soloable, they should be able to do it day one. Soloable should not mean cakewalk, especially if it is not world content.

show me one person who thinks that. anyone who plays an RPG expects and WANTS a steady progression of power. if you could kill everything day one, there would be no point in leveling or gearing up, or playing at all.

I agree with this. If any difficulty were to go - and I don’t think that should happen, but anyway - then it ought to be Heroic dungeons.

That said, I wouldn’t get rid of any difficulty.

LFR is good to let people see the content (or a watered down version of it anyway) and so long as normal and higher raiding awards better gear, then LFR is all good.

Heroic dungeons can offer some progression to people like me, who don’t raid any more, but want some progression beyond normal dungeons.

So long as the harder forms of content mythic dungeons/raids etc continue to be the sole source of the highest level of gear, the BiS stuff, then I think everyone ought to be happy.

You just need to set the gear level for the more casual content to be such that it permits players to play reasonably well out in the world, start from that base and award better gear for the harder forms of content.

Think of all the cries for Mage Tower nerfs, think of the complaints about Torghast and visions.

These people exist and make it hard for the true bulk of players who want that progression, because they are one of the loudest minority groups.

Think of them like the ones, when on consoles, things like game genie and game shark were around. Ones like me gave ourselves boosts, or cut down on the grinding but still had to do the bulk of the work ourselves. The ones that complain would be the ones that, if there was a code for it, start the game at max level and just pwn everything in sight.

That’s kind of how it works now. OP just seems to disagree that 226 is more than enough to do all world content in ZM.

I believe it can be easy while at the same time not just essentially being target dummies. I also believe there are ways to teach players how to deal with certain mechanics without having to break fights entirely like Desolate Host. But that would be extra effort on Blizzards part to implement.

I just don’t think that queueable content can survive in this game without it being a free win.

Well, they kinda have a point, might be hard to do the rare elites, or even the normal elites, solo in that gear unless you are reasonably skilled. Hell, I love going toe to toe with the devourer elites when the quest to collect things from them is up, but I know if I am not on a tank or pet class, I have to be dang careful to not get hit too much and die.

Note though, I am on a low pop server, so I can;t always rely on others jumping in to help me, so I have to be able to solo it 90% of the time.

I think that’s inherently a problem though. But that’s just my personal opinion. I think the LFR experience is dry.

Elites in the world (unless part of a quest where you have some kind of buff/NPC helper), are often tuned around the idea of being killed by 3 people. You shouldn’t realistically solo 3 player content at gear level without some kiting/CC/using all the tools your class has.

If blizzard is listening for season 4… I would love torgast to give gear.

Please have torgast award upgradeable gear that is competitively similar to season 4 mythic plus.

I would live for torgast to get its own pve set upgradeable with a torgast currency and able to turn into tier with creation catalyst.

The bonuses would be nice for torgast.

I would love for torgast to reward loot in great vault. They are basically dungeons so It would be nice if getting a 5 star torgast awarded similar loot for great vault .

And dropped valor/upgradeable to the same cap as mythic plus.

Torgast are basically solo dungeons that are group content able.

The last season is all repeat content anyway.

I can say I will still pug mythics for the nice purple death elemental but, I would love for something like visions of nzoth for the final patch before the next expansion.

Could even let us collect SoD and CN transmog sets from Season 4 torgast. Would love that.

I honestly dislike pugging mythics. Sometimes getting declined for an hour or two on certain characters is a horrible experience and I just feel like doing something else.

Solo play is nice because you can go as you want. Please consider giving us sonething for season 4. The item lvl is going to reset anyway in Dragonflight.


True, but I am starting to think some of these complaints come from people on servers where others are not in abundance, It is not that they realistically need the gear for the content, but they want to test their luck/skill against these elites and see how they have improved, yet while skill can increase, gear does not and there are some that, no matter how good they are, can’t execute something long enough to down tough mobs.

So instead of messing with the reward structure, they could just turn on CRZ by default in all the new zones.