End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I’m late to the party in replying to this, but that sounds like it’d be absurdly fun and I would totally forget all about Dance Studios (which I never cared about to begin with) for that feature.

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The mage tower was exactly what I expected it to be. the 7.2 version, before you outgeared it. A prime example for most players of “you think you do, but you don’t”

Yes, please. I thought that Visions would be a spiritual predecessor to Torghast, solo-able dungeon-like content with tangible rewards. Instead, Torghast just ended up being an obligatory time-waster for players who would have preferred spending their time in other content.

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Sure…if you exclude crafting, the AH, world drops, rep vendors, badge vendors, world quests/dailies, and PvP, you couldn’t get gear unless you raided lol


I think it’s fair to assume that any anti-solo voices left in this thread at this stage are just trolling.

Well,guys looks like they are forcing solos to group for rep and nerfing rare drop reps.

As if the color of the gear means anything.

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I haven’t been following the datamining/PTR of ZM closely so I don’t know what all the quests are, but on the surface I don’t see how moving rep gains from rares to quests affects solo play negatively?

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I imagine that quests would be better than rares for solo play, unless the quests are like the weekly Ve’nari Perdition Hold quests that favor groups. Also, more rep from weekly objectives is probably good for solo players, and everyone actually.

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That’s not what I’m getting from this at all. It looks like they boosted the amount of rep from the weekly quests considerably and made so you don’t have to go hunting for 29 rare opponents. :fox_face:

Only the world boss from 250 to 500 so it is a group content , the rares are nerfed in half.

I will not conform to this system. I do everything in bear anyway. Everything is fine. Come with me, I’ll protect you.

Along with that change, because we don’t want to reduce the total incoming rep, we’re increasing the reputation of other sources to compensate: world quests will award 125 instead of 100; Antros, the world boss, will award 500 instead of 250; and the twice-weekly quest “Patterns Within Patterns” will award 500 instead up 250. The net effect of this is that this will be a small increase in the total potential rep gain each day, and rares will take up a much lower proportion of those gains. This will allow players to feel like they can be done for the day earlier without significant long-term cost, while still allowing those players who want to push harder some incentive to do so.


Woot :heart: :heart: omg

Do you remember the video name?



I think their trying to balance the needs of the solo player and the wants of the raiders ( which don’t like farming ). I dk it still seems like a force content.

Blizzards rep grinds being painfully tedious is the rule rather than the exception. :fox_face:

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Thats like saying why acquire gear in diablo3 if all you’re going to do is run greater rifts solo.

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My problem with visions is the time gated power progression with the research systems. If there’s going to be some additional power progression for the content don’t make it time gated and def moving forward things like that should always be account wide.