Open world content is boring by design. It’s designed for the lowest common denominator which is a very, VERY low bar.
I literally just told you. If you want to play solo I don’t care. You do you.
I respond to solo players wanting better gear for no effort. That’s when I have an issue.
I looked up one persons parses because they flat out claimed to be a good player. Out of curiosity I looked it up and they aren’t a good player. They aren’t even a really mediocre player.
When you make claims you need to back them up.
You mean the ones mythic raiders already have to do?
What do you mean?
You think solo players are the only ones doing the Korthia grind? Every mythic raider is doing it and most heroic raiders are doing it.
It’s not. This is something several folks who covered WoW back in the day spoke in-depth about. There’s a huge number of solo players who don’t partake in Mythic+ and Raiding beyond LFR. It’s far bigger than the people who do.
… Why? I’m genuinely curious.
Korthia ia pretty much the only way to get full 252 conduits and gem sockets on your gear. Raiders care about the big numbers their characters do and those two things have a pretty big impact on those numbers.
Oh wow. That’s… genuinely awful.
Now I feel bad for both casual/solo players and high-end players. No one can possibly be happy with this.
I don’t care about what people back in the day said.
There are three types of players.
Solo players
Casual players
Hardcore players
Casual players make up the bulk of the player base.
The next biggest group is the hardcore players.
Solo players are an extreme minority. The reason it’s skewed is because solo players hide behind being a casual.
Conduit upgrades
Early patch everyone was using the rep domination piece from the rep vendor.
You have to do the story to unlock the shard upgrades.
You have to farm stygia to buy the piece to remove the gems.
It’s how the game has always been.
New patches always have released with a new zone that has a rep that has to be farmed for ten sockets or xyz reason.
In ICC you had the rep ring that had to be rep grinded to upgrade.
Let me ask you a question:
Do you actually think WoW, in the 9.1.5 state its in, is a good game? So many people I know who still play it only do so for the people they’ve met along the way and actually think the game is pretty bad right now.
Are you one of those, or are you happy?
I personally cannot possibly see how anyone does, but if there’s genuinely a pretty vocal playerbase that are like: “I love 9.1.5”… then clearly this game is just not for me anymore.
100% this has definitely hurt over the life of the game.
Yeah, that is why when people say open world grinds need better rewards I am like do you have any idea what sort of requirements high level guilds have for their rosters? If it makes your character stronger you are expected to grind for it till your eyes bleed. The better it is the lower the level of guilds that is expecting it is.
Is it the best it’s been? No. Is it in need of some major things that need to be fixed? Yes. Overall am I happy? Yes.
While I agree there are things that need to be addressed the game isn’t as bad as people are claiming it is.
This 100%.
Which is why when people who don’t mythic raid like Sarama say it’s not required it’s hard to not laugh because they clearly have no idea.
I’ve heard from you all the things that you think work well.
What is it that you think need to be fixed? Genuinely curious as to if we have any common ground. lol
Most of it is pvp related.
The power gap between fully
Geared and not fully geared needs to be addressed.
One honor set
One conquest set
Unrated conquest weapons at 0 rating requirement.
T1 weapons at heroic level at 1800
T2 weapons at mythic level at 2299
This gives progression without the stupid upgrade system.
Arenas need to award more conquest as well.
One that’s already been addressed did remove the bonus from farming rares. Still the majority of the grinding on the daily quests.
They’ll never change it, and people will continue to hide behind the “it’S AN mMO” excuse.
Every other MMO has seemingly understood that solo players are important, and it’s why this game is falling so far behind.
This the confusing part,they don’t complaint about getting those but they don’t want soloers to get them ,even though they help in the long run in the environment a player does.
I think it’s about time the two should be separated because this argument been going on for quite awhile for years. have the raiders-mythic player have their own form of progression and soloers there own and stop the complaining.
Why not just give overworld content better loot? Why come up with another system that makes absolutely no sense?